Apparently it bothers you that Al is satisfied with the music he hears from his system?
You can misinterpret any way you want but I will try to explain it to you as you obviously have never read that essay by Camus.
If you have ever upgraded, or attained any goal only to find it didn't fulfil you as you had hoped, then you are like Sisyphus, whose life is happily spent in the process of pushing the bolder up the hill (upgrading). It is an analogy.
Perhaps it started with a little red wagon that you wanted to pull your toys/dog/water anything up and down the sidewalk with. You told your parents if I could just get this particular little red wagon I wouldn't pester you for anything else ever again. I would be happy forever. Then when the little red wagon doesn't satisfy like you thought, your better informed self sees clearly now that a new chopper-style bicycle is obviously what you need to make you happy forever. Then a 10-speed racing bike, a mountain bike, a scooter, a car, a different girlfriend, someone else's girlfriend, a different job, a college education, a nicer house, a sports car, a better DAC, a better transport, new interconnects, a different better performing DAC, a different better performing transport, new speakers, new interconnects, Hi-Def capability, streaming, better amplifier, more power amplifier to drive your inefficient speakers, then a low-powered valve amplifier to tame harsh sounding Hi-Def DAC and transport, and of course large sensitive horn speakers are necessary because of the low power output of the SET amp, a dedicated power supply to a dedicated listening room! etc., etc., etc.
You read up every article you can find on what you think you need to be fulfilled. You go to hi fi shows and compare the best out there to help you decide. You pull the trigger and buy it. You plug it into your system and think, this can't be right, this doesn't sound like the one at the hi fi show, it must be my streamer/transport/speakers/interconnect/amplifier/all that needs upgrading as well. After a second mortgage and informing your kids funding for their college education is up to them, you upgrade everything. Sounds great!, for awhile, then? You realise that had Wadex been around when you bought your whatever, you would have bought Wadex. How could you have known then that one day they would come out with a digital replay system that could never be improved upon? Etc., etc., etc.