There was a lot of talk about this room. Sorry to say, I thought YG's own room was very much superior to PS Audio and their dealer's implementation of the same. Mind you, it was still a good room but not designed with the same skill that YG's own room was.

You see that YG sign on the right? It was in front of the room conditioner which was running full blast, making that wave like a flag. How is one supposed to hear low level resolution with that fan blowing so fast on the right channel?
Here is the second problem in a broader shot:

Notice complete lack of symmetry. One the left there is a kitchen and on the right. Sure, in our home spaces we are often stuck with but if you are going to do a demo at a show, you want to avoid that. The reason for this was pulling the loudspeakers so far into the room.
Check out this guy:

He is the smartest audiophile around. How can you tell? Look at the guy on the left in beige shirt. He was sitting where this guy was. He walked off to give directions to staff to play his CD. And in just a millisecond, this other dude slid over and took his seat!!!