Well everyone, that's another wonderfully successful show in the books at Songer Audio! Thank you to those who attended the event and made time to listen with us, as well as to the press and our friends in the industry who have enjoyed our work, and been so good to us since our debut in Seattle 15 months ago. The time certainly has flown by.
I love this video (link below) from Audiophile Junkie - our sound signature is quite apparent, even in footage captured by a phone. Pay special attention to it at about 4:25, when he transitions to the back of the speaker. It does a perfect job of illustrating the magic of the rear-firing whizzer, and how seamless the dipole version of our field coil really is, in both directions.
Please do overlook all of the fingerprints on the field coil housing.
It's hard to overstate what a synergy was achieved in our loudspeakers with a Trafomatic Rhapsody 300B integrated, the LampizatOr Poseidon DAC, and a
@Taiko Audio Extreme server. It really was, even for myself, like hearing our loudspeakers as they were truly meant to be experienced for the very first time. What a beautiful, complete, graceful, moving and fully realized sound it was... I just cannot stop thinking about it. Special thanks to
@gleeds of Hear This, and Fred Ainsley of Destination Sound Group and
A theme we heard from attendees at the event can be distilled down to the following: "These speakers sound incredible! Do you have any future plans to pair them with vinyl?" Well, I'd hate to disappoint our fans... so look for us to do just that, very likely at the next event in the spring.
We'd also like to thank Gary Gill and Lou Hinckley for running such a perfectly executed event each year. I loved attending Capital AudioFest before I entered into the industry, and we love it even more now that we come to exhibit each year. Bravo, Gary and Lou, if you happen upon this post.
Next up, the inaugural Southwest Audio Fest in Dallas in March. We can't wait to see you there, and to share this truly extraordinary listening experience with you.