I am in the process of having my Rowland model 8 upgraded and repaired by Jeff. One of the things that I was discussing today with a fellow a'phile was if he should consider a new amp that was a) very light weight --resulting in virtually no real shipping costs if the amp ever needs repairs ...this was brought up after I told him of the cost and hassle to ship the model 8 around
and b) an amp that gives off very little, if any, heat...therefore probably a class D design. The value of both of these aspects...low weight and low heat output was extremely interesting to my friend. It has really got me thinking as well. Do we really have to opt for a product that not only takes up a lot of space, but also acts as a spaceheater and is a major pain in the.... to move around and/or have serviced.
For now, I am living with the heat and the weight penalties..as I believe the sound is the most important thing..BUT once (if) those small class D amps can compete with the best tube or ss A/AB amps...I'm sold. ( Just so there are no conflicts, I do know that some on this forum greatly admire the current Class D N core amps, unfortunately I still have not heard one that does it for me.)
I just don't understand whay you guys are complaining about. Heat? Weight? Entreqs which will connect you to ground and have you sliced up a bit? All this is nothing compared to WAF. It costs more than getting air conditioning, it cannot be met with by muscle training and getting your entreqs might even force you to fall on your knees even before you have a chance to fall over them. WAF is expensive, but the good thing about it again is the fact that it makes us highly inventive to minimise its costs and also in ensuring that we don't get too much heat.