Who pays the bills & creates the assets?
PS my current wife of 20 years is excellent; my first wife of 14 months messed with the financials & other problems.
Moons ago, in an old residence, pre moving in, my BH was quite clear that my "toy room" would either be the garage, or the smallest unused closet/bedroom. The garage seemed quite tempting at first, I'd certainly be left alone, it's much bigger, but also much colder, so the smallest bedroom became my refuge. After careful negotiation, she promised me that MY room would be all mine.
Well almost all mine, one evening I notice the room had been cleaned, along with the cartridge cantilever, which for some reason, no longer pointed north. Brave but very silly me, I decided to make her intrusion an issue over dinner, only to be TOLD! to stop making mountains out of molehills. I quickly realized that what I had here, was a classic case of failure to communicate ... so ... I decided to post a "No Girls Allowed" sign on my bedroom door for further clarification. The next night she retaliated, posting on our bedroom door ... "No Boys, Only Men allowed" sign. I reluctantly entered in defeat ...
Who pays the bills & creates the assets?
PS my current wife of 20 years is excellent; my first wife of 14 months messed with the financials & other problems.