Anyone here in the McIntosh forum, or elsewhere, own or have listened to the new McIntosh MCD12000 CD/SACD PLAYER?


Jul 20, 2024
The local McIntosh dealer called me a few days to inform me that my McIntosh MCD500 CD/SACD player is now 14 years old and that he's got a new McIntosh reference player that I may want to check out.

So I'll be planning to go one day this upcoming week to check it out. The dealership takes in trades for upgrades too.

The new MCD12000 CD/SACD player is part of MAC's 75th Anniversary Reference Series.
At around €12000.00 this will be a end game disc spinner for me.
My current MCD500 was €6500.00 back in 2010. Not sure what trade up value will be because the technology for digital playback is, and has been, in a constant state of advancement for several decades now.

The good news, at least for me, is the new MCD12000 has tubes and operates as a hybrid and can operate in either tube mode or solid state.

Anyone that has any experience with the McIntosh MCD12000 please leave your thoughts and comments below. :)
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