Nice job / speakers , and nice amps , im a cat fanboy too .
Stable into 1 ohms , if they achieve that, it would be exeptional for a tube amp , the cat is the first amp i ve owned which triggers the cirtcuitbreaker at start up , the amount of current it swallows up to fill those powerbanks /caps is huge compared to all other amps i ve owned , Krell evo 400 mono , graaf GM 200 , boulder .
I personally would think boulder could have a good go at those ribbons , better control /basscontroll then the krells with 100 watts less , but off course SS
Stable into 1 ohms , if they achieve that, it would be exeptional for a tube amp , the cat is the first amp i ve owned which triggers the cirtcuitbreaker at start up , the amount of current it swallows up to fill those powerbanks /caps is huge compared to all other amps i ve owned , Krell evo 400 mono , graaf GM 200 , boulder .
I personally would think boulder could have a good go at those ribbons , better control /basscontroll then the krells with 100 watts less , but off course SS
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