What do you mean by input speed? The input is an electrical signal...I don't see how the according can move faster than electrons!
The intake speed of air is factor of one, the output speed is a factor of ~5x. This is mechanical, not electrical.
Note that the big Heil driver whose picture I posted has a freq. response from 650hz to 23Khz, with significant energy down to 400hz! Careful, speed kills...LoL
All explained at: http://precide.ch/eng/eheil/eheildetails.htm
"The unique design feature of the OSKAR A.V.T. which distinguishes it from all other speakers is an extremely lightweight diaphragm, folded into a number of accordion-like pleats to which aluminium foil strips are bonded. The Diaphragm is mounted in an intense magnetic field and a music signal is applied to the aluminum strips.
This causes the pleats to alternately expand and contract in a bellows-like manner in conformance with the music signal forcing air under pressure out of the pleats and sucking the air in on the other side, the airmovement is 5 times bigger than the movement of the membrane, therefore also the velocity must be 5 time bigger.The total moving mass is approx. 1 gram, we have therefore an almost perfect transducer system. This principle can be demonstrated very simply by taking a sheet of DIN A 4 paper with a surface of 616 cm2, folding it in the center lengthwise and bending the long edges together to form an opening of 5 cm on the one side. We imagine, that the upper and lower part of the structure is closed and move each side 2.5 cm together. With a frontal surface of 140 cm2, we have now moved 770 ccm of air, compared with the 350 ccm of air moved by a flat diaphragm. Our transformation is now 1:2.2, by making the triangle (top view) a square form, we doubled the transformation to 1:4.4 The selected transformation ratio with the Oskar A.V.T. is 1:5.3.
Unlike conventional speakers, whose diaphragms move air only in a direct proportion to their own movement with the inherent inertia, the A.V.T. multiplies (transforms) the Air Velocity by a factor of 5.3 (with a total mass of less than 1 gramm) and is, therefore, appropriately called an “AIR VELOCITY TRANSFORMER.”
Dr. Oskar Heil, noted physisist and inventor of the Field Effect Transistor, began his research into loudspeaker design, not with abstract theory of how a loudspeaker should work, but with a study of the peculiarities of the human listening aparatus. The result of this intensive year-long research program led to his discovery of the principle on which the Oskar Air Velocity Transformer is based. By applying this principle to the design of a loudspeaker diaphragm, he was able to achieve a revolutionary breakthrough in solving the fundamental problems of diaphragm mass, inertia and self resonance. In the following, we describe the results of Dr. Heils research and how it led to the development of the Heil Air Motion Transformer speaker.
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