Aqua Formula - settings new levels of R2R sonics and price performance

Hello BruceD,
The JMF transport is very good but beyond my reach.
We are on the same side actually.

Good call CK--I must admit it did seem bit on the Loooooooow side--all cool:eek:

I'll be in Hkg for the AE show --wlll see what all the fuss is about

That's if it is still "flavour of the Month":D


Nothing good in audio these days can ever be expected to cost <10k
I really wouldn't be surprised if this JMF 3.7 transport costs 38k

well.....I have not heard the ($38k?) JMF 3.7 Transport......and it might be better than my Aqua Formula dac <-> SGM with redbook files. but my $8k Aqua La Diva CD transport comes very close......and that is the list price.

I wonder if anyone has compared the 2 transports on CD only through the Formula dac (or another dac)?

who says you cannot get quality digital components for under $10k?
That was prob me
Mike ... Certain reports on the flimsy case work of the Aqua products. Anything to it ?
Um?--Sheeesh CK I know the Bling is King in your part of the world--maybe thats for the Gold Plated version:D

Seriously I know Chris ( PT) I'm sure he will give you the current one there

Us peasants can get it for less:p From US Review Publication


View attachment 31711

Thank you Bruce
That price seems entirely credible to me.
If anybody has any more recent info on its cost I am sure many of us would appreciate them letting us know.
Mike ... Certain reports on the flimsy case work of the Aqua products. Anything to it ?

no, I would not describe it as such. I'd say it's quality build but also that the B & M focus is on the performance, and not on esoteric build. the Aqua are attractive and worthy of a spot on my rack. the outer casework is powder coated rolled aluminum, not milled and anodized. the face plate is milled aluminum. they are not heavyweights. I've seen better industrial design and build quality......with lower higher price points.

no rough edges or anything shabby for sure.

I found the stock soft rubber (sorbothane?) footers do cause smearing and it's an easy fix, but so do footers on 90% of all gear. the Herzan made a big difference as has been mentioned. the Transport works silky smooth.

I've seen inside, and that looks impressive to the degree I can tell. and everything is modular so it is upgradable......which for digital is more significant than milled casework. as is the 4 board discrete RTR dac boards at this price point. with digital a less robust case can actually be beneficial as it allows the bad vibes to escape easier. who knows about design choices that get made and the why?

it's not bling! bling!

my system has always been a mixture of over-the-top ultimate build quality gear such as the dart pre and 458 mono's, the Rockport Sirius III, Linn CD-12, or the Studer A-820's, but also I used the Placette RVC passive as my preamp for years, my King-Cello tape repro could not be more basic looking, and the original EMM Labs Dac 2, and transport looked like the cat dragged them in. I love pretty things, but mostly I like stuff that works great in my system.

no doubt I have 'gear crush' on a few different digital products based on how they look. would I pay another $5k or $10k for a sexier looking Aqua? I'm glad I didn't need to.
no, I would not describe it as such. I'd say it's quality build but also that the B & M focus is on the performance, and not on esoteric build. the Aqua are attractive and worthy of a spot on my rack. the outer casework is powder coated rolled aluminum, not milled and anodized. the face plate is milled aluminum. they are not heavyweights. I've seen better industrial design and build quality......with lower higher price points.

no rough edges or anything shabby for sure.

I found the stock soft rubber (sorbothane?) footers do cause smearing and it's an easy fix, but so do footers on 90% of all gear. the Herzan made a big difference as has been mentioned. the Transport works silky smooth.

I've seen inside, and that looks impressive to the degree I can tell. and everything is modular so it is upgradable......which for digital is more significant than milled casework. as is the 4 board discrete RTR dac boards at this price point. with digital a less robust case can actually be beneficial as it allows the bad vibes to escape easier. who knows about design choices that get made and the why?

it's not bling! bling!

my system has always been a mixture of over-the-top ultimate build quality gear such as the dart pre and 458 mono's, the Rockport Sirius III, Linn CD-12, or the Studer A-820's, but also I used the Placette RVC passive as my preamp for years, my King-Cello tape repro could not be more basic looking, and the original EMM Labs Dac 2, and transport looked like the cat dragged them in. I love pretty things, but mostly I like stuff that works great in my system.

no doubt I have 'gear crush' on a few different digital products based on how they look. would I pay another $5k or $10k for a sexier looking Aqua? I'm glad I didn't need to.

Seattle Control read you 5 , Loud n Clear ... Thanks
Thank you Bruce
That price seems entirely credible to me.
If anybody has any more recent info on its cost I am sure many of us would appreciate them letting us know.

Around $35,000.

Knuckle on the case and it goes bonk bonk. Thats why I described the Formula case bonky. I said how it is. Wasnt my intention to imply about its overall made quality, sonic performance or value. I like the dac. I said it's not very expensive and sound very good to me. But I was not interested in Aqua transport. There are many good transports available. Everyone has his own preferences. :cool:
Knuckle on the case and it goes bonk bonk. Thats why I described the Formula case bonky. I said how it is. Wasnt my intention to imply about its overall made quality, sonic performance or value. I like the dac. I said it's not very expensive and sound very good to me. But I was not interested in Aqua transport. There are many good transports available. Everyone has his own preferences. :cool:


I am interested in your preferences for transports. Could you post them with your reasons for each one
Gosh, $35k sounds a LOT for a transport
I guess JMF 3.7 and Formula about same price as an equivalent Trinity PC and dac, Vivaldi transport and dac, or top MSB transport and dac, and there is no shortage of discerning well-heeled clients for these combinations
In a lot of ways if you're going to spend $50k+ on digital, it makes sense to do what Tango has done, and put the lion's share in the transport, since this is likely to be upgraded less frequently than the dac
And I repeat, it's fascinating that after a solid decade of being banged on the back of the head that streaming by definition beats spinning disc transport for overall sq, this is obviously not a cardinal rule
Surely if otherwise, guys like Tango, and other digital devotees like Al, Lloyd, Microstrip, and I'm sure quite a few others, would have switched to streaming a while back
No doubt in the last couple of years I got the strong message that I had been making poor strategic decisions in sticking w my tried and tested Eera Tentation
No debate from me on the "library at yr fingertips" argument, but even here people are v happy to maintain their vinyl collections, surely this proves the argument needs to be not JUST about convenience
In a lot of ways if you're going to spend $50k+ on digital, it makes sense to do what Tango has done, and put the lion's share in the transport, since this is likely to be upgraded less frequently than the dac


You are mind reader. Thats my logic on the dac.

The price of Trinity paring and Vivaldi are considerbly more than the combo I have though.

I am interested in your preferences for transports. Could you post them with your reasons for each one


I am crazy and stupid.

First, i have to tell you that I spend most of my listening time listening to vinyl. Digital fronts are for 1)some music that I cant find on vinyl 2) my wife and 3) friends who listen to CD. When I want to hear super good sounds the way I like it I only go to my tt.
Second, since digital is not at all my preference, it was very easy for me to choose. I choose to buy what seem to be the very good one that I never heard.
Third, I heard from different systems, these transports: CHPrecision, Kalista, Ayon, CEC. But I never heard JMF.
Last, at this level of gears, all of them are good and you cant say this kills that. This tops that. If you can say that, it would only be within your context, your preferences.

I took the risks on Aqua and JMFand I got lucky.

Apologize if I may not answer you the way might expect.

Btw I have seen pic of your Lamm's on cms. They are really yummy.

Good night.
Hi Tang, love your madness - where you need sense you stick to vinyl, and use digital for some audiophile fun.
Tang, the buzz re JMF on AE forums out of HK is v positive
Analog devotees really extolling it's virtues
You have lucked out
I love hearing about a guy who has a $50k digital front end for occas listening
I hope yr wife and friends know how charmed they are
I just have a $1200 Oppo for guests in my non audio room lounge

I am crazy and stupid.

I think you may find that aptly describes many, many of us here, yours truly included.

Very nice to have your participation on WBF, Tango. Look forward to more of your posts.



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