No. I have a reasonably objective ear, and I will know if I prefer one over the other relatively you think that could be a factor in your in-home evaluation?
No. I have a reasonably objective ear, and I will know if I prefer one over the other relatively you think that could be a factor in your in-home evaluation?
You might actually find yourself a bit surprised. Have had the A-S class d's going on a year now. Intent was (is) to see if there's something out there that could both suite my tastes and alleviate my never-ending (OCD-ish) urge to replenish my M-60's tubes.No. I have a reasonably objective ear, and I will know if I prefer one over the other relatively easily.
I have no interest it their bass performance. My active system crosses over at 120hz.You might actually find yourself a bit surprised. Have had the A-S class d's going on a year now. Intent was (is) to see if there's something out there that could both suite my tastes and alleviate my never-ending (OCD-ish) urge to replenish my M-60's tubes.
To my ears, in my system, the class d's and the OTL's are just slightly different animals. Both sounding wonderful, but each with different attributes. The body, control and authority the d's offer in the lower frequencies is quite impressive. The M-60's can't match it. However (with suitable recordings), the M-60's offer a 'disappearing speaker' presence that the d's (nor virtually any other amp I've had pleasure to hear) can't touch.
Again, just my purely subjective take. Wishing I had a tolerant friend (wife's friendly, just not that into it) to assist in a blind a-b test setup just to eliminate any/all biases I have, as I, too, think I'd always be able to audibly discern the OTL 'magic'.
System: A-S MLS-1 upgraded to MP-3 by Ralph, Lumin T2 serving Qobuz, Joseph Audio Pulsar 2 Graphene(s) w/ a couple DIY class-d powered subs in a 14'x 20'x8.5' room.
Maybe not, with your Magnepans, but those MA-1s are huge, heavy and heat-generating beasts and replacing tubes will probably cost as least a much as 1 Class D mono, or perhaps even a pair.I have found a dealer here in the UK who has a pair for home audition so I'll arrange that closer to the summer. I still remain convinced they won't sound as nice as my MA-1s.
My magnepan ribbon tweeters will tell me the truth as these are what these amps drive and they are extremely revealing.
A little north of 1,840 USD today to completely retube a pair of MA-1s perhaps. This is considering the retail price of about $30 a power tube and approximately $100 for each of the signal tubes (NOS). Now I’ve got backstock that I picked up eons ago so not that expensive here! Not sure what Ralph’s pricing might be.Maybe not, with your Magnepans, but those MA-1s are huge, heavy and heat-generating beasts and replacing tubes will probably cost as least a much as 1 Class D mono, or perhaps even a pair.
I will add a bit to my first impressions.Yes, MA-1 Silver Editions, fully updated. Absolutely ??these amps!
I’ve been away on the gulf coast for a while, just looking forward to getting back into the kit and some quality listening. Had a few brief and enjoyable sessions with friends and some back and forward with the MA-1s. Some find it an either or, I’m not there (yet).
My first impressions is simply how much they sound like the OTLs. Very easy to listen to, very articulate, and offer a well balanced musical experience. They are different though in the way they present. Perhaps the mid bass is a little fuller, the D class is dead quiet when no music is playing, and they are on point right after you flip the switch, I don’t believe there is much change in sound at all as time goes by. I would say “as they warm up”, but they simply don’t, and for me, the chassis never feel above room temperature. Amazingly, no change in sound quality.
Ralph and his team have really accomplished something quite remarkable here.
More listening…![]()
What amp is that a measurement of?Nicely written Rob. It led me to read the 6 Moons review of the MA-1 MkII.3 Silver Edition.
"Compared to my BAT VK-75, the Atma-Spheres just offered more of everything: More detail, more extension, more transparency, better soundstaging, greater micro and macro dynamics, more extended and luscious high frequencies. The only area wherein the BAT bested the Atma-Spheres was in overall warmth. The Atma-Spheres, though able to go very deep with rock-solid imaging, did not produce the level of bass warmth that the transformer+ BATs do. Could I live with one and forget the other? I don't know. This is not a small quibble. I prefer warmth. That is why I love tube gear in the first place. Alas, for $4K more, the Atma-Spheres produce an assortment of sonic virtues (in light if oblong and hard-to-place enclosures) that is nearly irresistible if -- and that is a big if -- you have the cash. But as most of us know, this audio game is a matter of priorities. Put another way, bills get deferred, old cars driven, holes are attached to socks and endless trading goes up and over."
I prefer warmth as well, because warmth is inherent to natural sound.
After delving a little deeper into Class D technology, it seems that a distortion signature dominated by the 2nd order harmonic with a lower (level) 3rd and no higher order harmonics (see image) is quite rare.
View attachment 125454
Interesting, but I would like to see what’s happening below -80dB, which is as low as this graph goes. Nevertheless it looks quite clean on the harmonics (absence of power supply induced IMD).
I’ll say this, it is only viable by and large to offer a product with currently available perishables. Call VTS Andy (or equivalent, if there is such a thing) he will set you up putting some Sylvania tubes in those MA-1s and you will be floored by the difference. I promise. Thank me later. As good as these amps are, the Chinese 6SN7GTB are (sorry) but, audio junk. No comparison. They electrically function, but that’s not saying much. My last set last just over 10 years, so is it worth the sound investment? Please, do yourself this favor. It will be like Christmas!So bottom line, sounds like you prefer the MA-1 amps top and midrange, as I would have expected.
Re the tubes, I run the Chinese ones which seems to last pretty well. I average maybe one failure a year, so just swap out as I need to and recheck bias. And stock is plentiful.
You beat me to itInteresting, but I would like to see what’s happening below -80dB, which is as low as this graph goes. Nevertheless it looks quite clean on the harmonics (absence of power supply induced IMD).
Well, we don’t really see the noise floor in this FFT because of the scale. For sur the 4th is < -80dB as are others but how much below? FWIW, the Aries Cerat Concero 65s have -70dB H2 at 1W with all other harmonics falling away as desired.You beat me to it> what's happening below -80 dB.
I made a list (that I can't find) with amps with such a signature > 2nd, lower 3rd and no higher orders above the noise floor.
During my research the concept of a PCM-based Power DAC (digital amplifier) came up, but that seems very difficult to realize. Ultimately, I ended up with (industrial) LED dimmers and similar power converters.
Night and Day, and most of, if not all of the spectrum in betweenDead-on with you on the Chinese 6SN7GTB's. Gave them maybe 50 hrs. Put my old NOS Sylvania's back in. Night and day.
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