We would like to welcome Audio Research as a new sponsor to the forum
Audio Research has a huge history dating from 1970, and has led the way in the tube amplification revival in the US and worldwide. They are proud to be able to service almost every preamp or power amp they have made, from the earliest models to the present day. Some words from Audio Research CEO Valerio Cora:
Since 1970, Audio Research has repeatedly set the standard for accuracy and dynamic realism in music reproduction systems. More than any other manufacturer, Audio Research has advanced the state-of-the-art again and again with products that innovate by bringing recorded music to life with new vibrancy and immediacy, with all source material, digital or analog. This consistent achievement has been recognized by audio reviewers the world over, year after year, making Audio Research components among the most highly valued on the market, whether new or old. Audio Research is an investment in sound technology and value that lasts a lifetime.

From the in-house listening staff that works hand-in-hand with our engineers in the development of new products, to our dedicated specialist who listens to every Audio Research product as the final step in our comprehensive Quality Assurance process, the human ear continues to be the most important test equipment. Even decades-old models sent in for service are thoroughly listened to in a reference system before they are cleared for return to their owners.

Audio Research components are built by hand in our Minnesota facility. We take pride in stocking a vast array of electronic parts and components necessary to support most of the products we have manufactured over the last five-plus decades. We retain a technical staff dedicated to the servicing and restoration of older models, as well as the maintenance of newer products. Support like this is why Audio Research components earn loyalty from customers and high resale value in the used market.

Our latest products, like the Reference 80S amplifier and the LS28SE preamp, clearly advance the state-of-the-art in their respective ranges, but they must be heard to be appreciated. Reading about a product does not provide the wonderful musical experience that comes from listening. Describing a live performance cannot convey the beauty and emotional connection that comes from experiencing it firsthand. Audio Research components convey both truth and beauty.

6655 Wedgwood Road North, Suite 115 Maple Grove, MN 55311
T: 763.577.9700 F: 763.577.0323
T: 763.577.9700 F: 763.577.0323
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