Audiophile Unfriendly New Neighbor Moved In Last Month, Calls the Cops on Me


I was at tzuccs house the day we had our audio meet at his house. He was running a TRW as an IB. In fact Thigpen flew in on his private plane to be there for the event. I was in the rear of the room and it was like being in an earthquake. I had motion sickness for hours after that subsonic demo.

Yes, I remember a couple of events at tzucc's and one where we filled out questionnaires for the installation guys. The system didn't make me dizzy, but it definitely made me feel weird. Even though you can't "hear" the subsonics, the demo proved to me that the region from 1 to 20 Hz changes the perception of the music, i suppose much like supersonic harmonics also influence what is perceived. More spacious and more real when not over done.
Kal, you have been @ Mark's place in a not so distant past; what do you think can help Mark's latest issue with the earth's vibrations sensed by his newest neighbor? :b
...Plus the air transporting the remnants of distant music noises. What would you recommend that would suit both parties in this particular situation here?

I am no more qualified than any of you. I know Mark casually but I do not know anything about the other party except for what Mark has told us. The only thing I find telling is that Mark has managed to make arrangements/understanding with his other neighbors. However, the other guy has short-circuited personal communication by going directly to the police and Mark has judged him by this and by his (irrelevant) political statement, so, unless one of them is willing to, at least, attempt a discussion, nothing will change.

My reaction is probably similar to the non-communicative neighbor when I hear cars that "boom" down the road with their over the top sub woofers slamming at obscene / disruptive levels. It is simply noise pollution that is designed to say "here I am, am I cool or what".

This has absolutely nothing to do with listening to / enjoying music and much more about personal ego and an indefensible, self serving attitude regarding personal liberties and its impact on others.
Bob, you're probably right. They should have euthenized me at birth, I'm such an evil person. Why couldn't I have a less evil addiction, like drugs, or child pornography, or speeding through busy streets on a motorcycle? Why, oh why do I have to be saddled with such an evil pasttime of BASS?
I too agree with Mark that "communication" is always best. They've got to meet, and discuss accommodating arrangements for both.


Somewhat off-topic.

I have enjoyed playing my NY system as loud as I like it when I like it, sometimes over 100dB but not much more. However, I have been blessed by having a nice couple of severely hearing-impaired people living below for the past 20 years. Recently, they have passed and the apartment sold to a younger family who is converting it to a duplex with the apartment below that. The noise of the construction will continue for almost a year and, at the meeting that they initiated, they could not fail to notice my elaborate audio system. I explained that this was my obsession and my part-time job. They acknowledged that we owe each other mutual consideration now and in the future. Nothing on paper, of course.
A fascinating and unfortunately unintentionally humorous thread.
I am sympathetic to both sides of the issue. I have chosen to live remotely for the very reasons Mark cites; namely his desire to play loud music without encumbrances. But I also can appreciate the merits of being a responsible neighbor. The first issue i would ask is what legal precedents govern the situation? Are there no noise ordinances at all in Mark's town? If there were noise ordinances, what would be the stated restrictions, just so one can get an idea of how egregious is the sonic offense? I looked up some noise ordinances for my local towns and unfortunately, most of them do not specify dB levels, but rather use non-specific phrases like " loud, disturbing and unnecessary noise". However, the suburban borough of Chatham, NJ about 20 minutes from where I live, has a noise ordinance that does define decibel levels at the residential property line. Moreover it does this for both non-frequency specific noise as well as frequency specific noise.

Regarding frequency specific noise, (I believe) A-weighted noise limits for 31.5 Hz are 96 dB.

Screen Shot 2016-11-27 at 7.01.20 PM.png

I must admit, if I heard 96dB of 31.5Hz bass at my property line, I wouldn't be a happy camper either. If this is the case, perhaps a conversation with one's neighbor really is the best way to proceed.
Long ago, while living in an apartment, I got a pair of Sonus Faber Extrema's. Great speakers, that need to be played at less at moderated levels and really loved loud levels. Although I had some care with listening levels and the apartment had very good sound insulation, one day I was listening with a few friends and I played them too loud. A great audiophile session, but that time a neighbor approached me about it. I apologized and I sold them next day. Back to electrostatics ...
Here's one of the answers I was looking for

I have a butt kicker in my race simulator setup at home (I use headphones in the racing rig as they are the most logical choice and they won't annoy other people). The noise it makes is really the result of the racing seat being realistically shaken so as to emulate engine noise, vehicle vibration, gear shifts, road noise, exhaust, etc. I can certainly attest that the butt kicker does what they say on the tin and you'd need a heck of a lot of real bass to produce a similar physical feel - certainly enough to ruin your hearing. But of course the butt kicker device itself is pretty quiet (at least in relative terms - perhaps about 50 dB at worst).

I've contemplated numerous times just trying it out on my audiophile headphone setup, since the headphone amp has a line output which is where the butt kicker connects to. I've never got around to it though mainly because you'd need a different sort of chair for it to work on as opposed to the luxurious couch that I use when I listen to music.
Northstar - that dbox Formula One simulator is awesome (except for the pathetic speakers ), thanks for sharing this with us.
I have a butt kicker in my race simulator setup at home (I use headphones in the racing rig as they are the most logical choice and they won't annoy other people). The noise it makes is really the result of the racing seat being realistically shaken so as to emulate engine noise, vehicle vibration, gear shifts, road noise, exhaust, etc. I can certainly attest that the butt kicker does what they say on the tin and you'd need a heck of a lot of real bass to produce a similar physical feel - certainly enough to ruin your hearing. But of course the butt kicker device itself is pretty quiet (at least in relative terms - perhaps about 50 dB at worst).

I've contemplated numerous times just trying it out on my audiophile headphone setup, since the headphone amp has a line output which is where the butt kicker connects to. I've never got around to it though mainly because you'd need a different sort of chair for it to work on as opposed to the luxurious couch that I use when I listen to music.

Oh they will work on couches.... I have a few under my home theater couches, very effective!
Oh they will work on couches.... I have a few under my home theater couches, very effective!

Which model Butt Kicker do you use for that sort of setup? My sim setup is about 5 years old now and I bought the model recommended for sim use at that time. I imagine there are new / different models out these days.
LOL... he's sane and reasonable compared to a lot of folks that live in rural mountain areas! We just had about 60 mil of us vote for an obvious con-man to be our president, that should be some indication of the sanity of Americans in general.

Ah, butt... something kicking you in the arse isn't the same as the full on body slam experience I have worked nearly forty years to achieve. I like to be able to walk around a bit sometimes, not just sit in the chair. Actually, it tickles a lot when I sit in the chair because it's vibrating so much when the music contains bass in the 45-70Hz range.

My longtime friend and neihghbor down the road is finishing up the construction of his new log cabin, to replace the A-frame that's been there for decades. He's planning to invite everyone when it's ready, just as he did in 1981 when he first moved in (I was the only resident on the road who showed up then--we've been good friends and helped eachother when one or the other needed help with tree cutting, plowing, construction or replacing a well pump). It will be interesting to see if Mr. High Falutin across the road will come to the housewarming party.
My opinion about this, while I feel your pain, sack the F#$& up and go shake his hand and have a conversation.
Might want to have your phone recording or something if something goes silly.

The answer lies in compromise, as ALL relationships do.

This is the same problem we are having with our politics, everyone is so caught up in I'm right, your wrong, My way or the highway mentality that they cant think for a second and even admit they are the problem not the solution.

There pretty much is a solution to all problems with compromise.

Sack up and go shake his hand and figure it out.

Its called adulting.
My opinion about this, while I feel your pain, sack the F#$& up and go shake his hand and have a conversation.
Might want to have your phone recording or something if something goes silly.

The answer lies in compromise, as ALL relationships do.

This is the same problem we are having with our politics, everyone is so caught up in I'm right, your wrong, My way or the highway mentality that they cant think for a second and even admit they are the problem not the solution.

There pretty much is a solution to all problems with compromise.

Sack up and go shake his hand and figure it out.

Its called adulting.

I enjoyed reading that
So pardon me that I am a bit jaded reading about people recommending the polite negotiation routes. They have never worked for me. These days I simply figure that if someone does this stuff in the first place, I'm not wasting my time, patience or sanity any more. It is straight to law enforcement. Perhaps these neighbours in this thread have had enough of it as well due to past experiences.

Well, Aussies are a little bit crazier than many other folks. My experience is pretty much the opposite. The worst things I had issues with were someone learning guitar (if they played something nice I wouldn't have cared), band practice is always 100% the worst thing ever but bands never practice around people more than once or twice out of desperation before everyone says take a hike, and drunk people walking outside my old place. Well one guy would play music and fall asleep drunk once every blue moon when I lived in an apartment, and that sucked (I moved out shortly after). Thing is everyone was willing to not be a big bother. But I made sure, talked to my neighbours about music, and we got along fine when I was in an apartment.

Once in a house a neighbour said my bass was moving his walls... this was exceptionally confusing because I'm not a loud listener, moderate volumes is about all I go. And we're talking a lot of barriers between us. I just oriented some subs I had at the time a little bit differently and all was well. Although I heard after I moved out he got into meth and hacked his girlfriend into little pieces but... he was a good neighbour while I lived by him. Sometimes during the summer he did chainsaw art, but only for a little bit during the afternoon; no one cared.

My opinion about this, while I feel your pain, sack the F#$& up and go shake his hand and have a conversation.
Might want to have your phone recording or something if something goes silly.

The answer lies in compromise, as ALL relationships do.

This is the same problem we are having with our politics, everyone is so caught up in I'm right, your wrong, My way or the highway mentality that they cant think for a second and even admit they are the problem not the solution.

There pretty much is a solution to all problems with compromise.

Sack up and go shake his hand and figure it out.

Its called adulting.

I thought about this too, being the bigger man. There is a little bit of pleasure in it, but rarely does anyone want the responsibility. It just doesn't sound like something BassPig would consider at all.

But I'm not as hot on the compromise thing. You have to be real careful, a true compromise has become somewhat rare.
My opinion about this, while I feel your pain, sack the F#$& up and go shake his hand and have a conversation.
Might want to have your phone recording or something if something goes silly.

The answer lies in compromise, as ALL relationships do.

This is the same problem we are having with our politics, everyone is so caught up in I'm right, your wrong, My way or the highway mentality that they cant think for a second and even admit they are the problem not the solution.

There pretty much is a solution to all problems with compromise.

Sack up and go shake his hand and figure it out.

Its called adulting.

Refreshing and so well said ...


That someone enjoys your bass 1/2 mile down the road is proof you're listening very high and that your enjoyment may be encroaching other people sense of quietness... a compromise should be worked out not pointing an accusatory and (IMHO wrong) finger at people who have their money and have all the rights to enjoy it too. I do understand your frustration but do not sympathize with it.
My opinion about this, while I feel your pain, sack the F#$& up and go shake his hand and have a conversation.
Might want to have your phone recording or something if something goes silly.

The answer lies in compromise, as ALL relationships do.

This is the same problem we are having with our politics, everyone is so caught up in I'm right, your wrong, My way or the highway mentality that they cant think for a second and even admit they are the problem not the solution.

There pretty much is a solution to all problems with compromise.

Sack up and go shake his hand and figure it out.

Its called adulting.

Which model Butt Kicker do you use for that sort of setup? My sim setup is about 5 years old now and I bought the model recommended for sim use at that time. I imagine there are new / different models out these days.

My Butt Kickers are several years old. They are designed to replace a leg of a couch (actually the other legs get replaced as well to make sure the couch isn't rigid). So the entire couch shakes. I've also installed another brand (can't recall the name) attached to the frame that provides additional impact but not necessary.
I have no ABSOLUTE proof that it was the neighbor directly across the road that called the cops on Friday afternoon. It could have been one of the the McMansions built a couple of years before this one, further to the southwest of me. The cop didn't say WHO complained. So without being 100% sure, I don't want to run the risk of barging in on the wrong neighbor. However, due to the fact that it was the town police from across the border, I am certain it wasn't one of my existing neighbors, who live in the same town as I.

At any rate, they're covertness and avoidance of us when we're in the yard sends a pretty clear message that they don't approve of the appearance of our property (I've focused all my efforts on repairing roof leaks and replacing rotted infrastructure, not on the appearance of the property, because that would just increase my tax assessment, which I'm already behind in payments on). They've been unfriendly since the day they moved in, and that was before I had the house to myself, which happens pretty rarely now, with six of us living under one roof.

The construction company has been making nearly continuous noise since April and I haven't said anything, but now I'm tempted to file a complaint with their town. After all, if a rich kid's need for peace and quiet is important for an hour on a Friday afternoon, isn't my need for peace and quiet for the other 23 hours for the last six months equally important?

BTW, the editor on this forum doesn't recognize the space character. I'm typing this in Notepad and cut and pasting so it is readable.

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