Well,I know one thing if it's the kind of bass that I hear when I drive up to the stop sign and a long side is somebody wearing the baseball cap crooked and you drag race just to get away from the idiot....count me out. Just depends on the kind of music played, I myself enjoy pipe organ,classical,and Jazz which together gives me all the big bass I would ever need.
I can understand Mark's point of view even though he expresses it harshly. The neighbor should remember "buyer beware" and maybe have a talk with his real estate agent,as I'm sure Mark is infamous in his town or even county. To call the cops during normal hours is not the best way to reach out. The neighbor fired the first shot and I really don't give a damn if he doesn't like it....he is the one that needs to change his approach if he want's this resolved. The neighbor needs to meet with Mark and he and Mark need to negotiate a way that both can learn to live together. Mark was there long before he was.
Thank you, RogerD. This is the most accurate assessment of the situation. As you said, I was here first. I was here before practically anybody else. There were a few vacation cabins here that burned to the ground in the summer drought driven forest fire of '66, and there's a radio tower down the road that has been there since '59.
A development was built 1/3 mile east of me in the 70s, but no problems from those people, other than the fact that one of them owns lots of heavy machinery and likes to run them all day long, belching diesel fumes. A big kid, playing with adult sized Tonka toys.
In 1981, the A frame down the road was bought by my good neighbor Walt. We're friends all these years. In the 90s, they built 2 more homes down past Walt's house, almost .4 mile away. Never a complaint from them.
On the west side of me, the owner had a rock band for many years. They were a famous national act. I could hear them practicing on weekends. Loved it. That was one of the things that influenced me toward becoming a Bass Pig. The other was the CEO of the company I was working for, inviting me to his home to experience the JBL Paragon and Cerwin-Vega speakers. That pretty much turned me into what I am today.
It would have been better if the neighbor approached me as nicely as the police man did. But he's "that" type of person. Typical of a lot of people here in the Northeast. Had we been in the south, the neighbors would communicate. But northerners are suspicious of everyone.
While I was in the waiting room at the doctor's today, I had this silly idea of sending them a brochure for my web site featuring the sound system, with an invitation. But I doubt that would result in a response, much less a favorable one. The other stuck up neighbor (the one that's now dead) was so icky about even coming onto my property to inspect the damage that his boys did with their rifles. He would drive by in his car and look from the road. He didn't want to come on the property, as if I were somehow so dirty that it would soil his feet to walk over here and apologize for his kids misbehavior. We had some real doozies as neighbors. This new guy seems like an incarnation of the other. I may have to put a curse on him, too.