Guys, the last few posts have been some of the most interesting, and apposite ones, I have had the pleasure of reading on WBF, and on any audio forum.
Surely, a modest conclusion to draw should be that you should be able to trust your ears - ie if it sounds good, it is good.
Now, one can fine tune enjoyment via some measurements eg frequency measurements in the room to pinpoint best placement of spkrs/subs x'overs etc, but surely ones' ears should be the start and end of it, w/some objectivity in the middle.
Re paint shredding tweeters, I've heard a fair number of SOTA contenders, and the tweeter is always the driver that draws most attention to itself.
I find it fascinating that Wilson, maybe the first big hitter to have gone down the exotic tweeter route is going back to good 'ol fashioned soft domes (albeit brilliantly engineered).
And now we "hear" that Magico from day 1 have been trying to tame that Mk 1 Q7 tweeter - God, if it needed refining on release, maybe it should never have been released.
Or am I being ultra cynical in thinking that a non universally acclaimed tweeter was incorporated to guarantee the fanboys have to upgrade at a later stage, guaranteeing continuous sales?
And then there are those who love everything about so called SOTA plasma tweeters, and those on MBLs, but just find the whole thing tipped up/plutonium pwrd?
One of the reasons I'm happy to stick Zu which takes a pretty old fashioned and much maligned topology ie full range drivers using paper cones, but updated w/nano tech impregnation, to create seamless frequency response - maybe w/out the aural fireworks of a Magico or Rockport, but a sound you can live w/every day, zero fatigue factor.
Throw in the epiphany one gets from conversion to tubes, and esp the SETs cause, and I personally am set for life.
I've met guys at shows who have spent 3x what I have going to Krells, Wilsons etc, and are more unhappy than they ever have been.
So what's going on here? Did they never like their sound, and are on a spiral of decline trying to spend their way to a palatable system?
Or did they enjoy the sound, but specs and reviews and ads and messages re the "best new thing/new kid on the block" mean that they became deaf to their own ears, and can only "hear" marketing messages saying what they need is "just around the corner/attainable at the next big spend"?
For the first time, I'm likely to turn down a series of potential upgrades (to top of the line Nat Magnetostat pre/new Zu flagships), because I'm am truly happy w/my sound, and am not aware of any cognitive dissonance. If I'm happy, just why would I be driven to change? For the first time in two decades, I'm not.
But it sure feels weird, being happy and practicing a little self control.