Hola Chicos from Costa Rica. I am going to chime here with some thoughts that we have to consider:
1) Sound is logarithmic.
2) The absorption coefficient given for any room varies every 5dB, making any measurement to be non lineal.
We can spend hours of discussion about this, and you are right with your points of view, and I could be right with mines too.
You can fool you ears with tricks, but they are the final judges of your quality sound after all.
I think that the music played through any system is like the food. We do like it different, the seasoning of it varies a lot. And my liking could be not necessary the same what you like. As an example, you find audiophiles that love the bass energy of the instruments, and this means, shaking the room...and others might like it with less intense bass. Its a kind of a seasoning. But what we like most, is to have that wonderful musician(s) playing for us, in our room. The feeling, the emotional moment, the magic in the air, when was made the recording, we want to live that again. And this is granted on our systems, of course, having audio quality gear for this purpose.
If we could not tell differences in the audio chain, we will be listening a Sanyo or Sony system. I do trust in my ears, or should I say in my liking, my taste for the music and how I do reproduce it. Also I do know that out there are much better audio components than the gear that I have. So, what really matters, I am a very happy user of my system and I do like a lot what I have. I get goosebumps, and sometimes I have watered eyes due the emotional feeling of the musician(s) that my ears are sensing or listening.
I wish to all, a very happy listening, and please continue to seasoning of quality sound for the pleasure for your ears!