It could be. Many horn designs are meant to be driven by amps with a fairly high output impedance (for example, an SET). Since the voltage response of such amps is unknown (the speaker is not meant to be driven by an amp that acts as a voltage source which is an amp that can double power as impedance is halved), there are usually some level controls on the back of the speaker (or should be...) to allow you to set the various drivers in the speaker to the voltage response of the amp. Almost any classic horn system (Klipsch, JBL, Altec, EV) from the old days (before the voltage rules were adopted in the 1960s and 70s) has these controls.
Many people think those controls are there to adjust the speaker to the room. This is false! The correct procedure is to put pink noise through the speaker and adjust the controls for flat response (this has gotten super easy with the app needed for that available for most smartphones or tablets). If the dealer is ignorant of this the speaker may well have had integration problems!
For more on this topic see