Bayz Audio Counterpoint 2.0 >>>>Rhapsody.Audio

Bayz Counterpoints starting to break in at Rhapsody.Audio

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Rhapsody: you have as much Counterpoint and Courante experience as any dealer in world. Can you tell us how long it took to break them in? Was the improvement substantial? Thanks
Rhapsody: you have as much Counterpoint and Courante experience as any dealer in world. Can you tell us how long it took to break them in? Was the improvement substantial? Thanks

After 24 hours they sounded good. 100 hours and they sounded like they are pretty much broken in, but probably will slightly improve over the next few hundred hours.

Night and day changes for the first few days each day until about 100 hours.
Thanks for sharing this invaluable experience! Bayz Audio will advise all our new customers accordingly.
Thanks for sharing this invaluable experience! Bayz Audio will advise all our new customers accordingly.

There is a static charge that builds up in the speakers/carbon/BRS from the styrofoam in the shipping containers. Until this static subsides, which I felt about 8-12 hours, but 24 hours for sure, the high frequencies sound very muted. After 8 hours they start to open up.

This is separate from the normal speaker/Xover break-in period of about 100 hours.
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Thanks for this information as well. Not sure how to avoid this condition: insuring they arrive undamaged from shipping outweighs the cost of breaking them in.
Thanks for this information as well. Not sure how to avoid this condition: insuring they arrive undamaged from shipping outweighs the cost of breaking them in.

It's NOT an issue at all. Everything needs at least 100 hours of break-in and really more like 200-300 hours, but even after 24 hours the sound turns to DAZZLING!
There is a static charge that builds up in the speakers/carbon/BRS from the styrofoam in the shipping containers. Until this static subsides, which I felt about 8-12 hours, but 24 hours for sure, the high frequencies sound very muted. After 8 hours they start to open up.

This is separate from the normal speaker/Xover break-in period of about 100 hours.
My experience over the first 60 hours with the Courantes coincides EXACTLY with all of Bob's break-in comments on this thread. (Circumstances require me to be away from my new babies for a while...) My intent is, once back, to update everyone on the coming weeks of break-in and my attempts to integrate my 2x3 stack of Rel subs.
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Also based on very short listening impressions, they seem to like the near(er) field, with next to no compromises when seated outside the traditional sweet spot.. (its more like a sweet 'zone' with my 6 seating locations working more or less equally well, or at least with only changes in relative listening perspective*.

*One has to close ones eyes to 'hear' this as the visual cues provide such a disconnect relative to the audible ones.

Is the near-field listening position preferred because the listener gets more direct sound than reflected sound? If so, this would be similar to a more conventional speaker. If one is further from this omni directional speaker, I would think there would be much more reflected sound arriving at the listener, especially if the speaker are not far removed from the front and side walls.

What balance of listening distance to speaker placement relative to surrounding walls is recommended for best sound? Are owners using much acoustic treatments in the listening rooms?
PeterA: you are spot on with regard to direct -vs- reflected sound. But you do not need to be in the near field (meaning up close on the speaker). You do sufficient distance between direct and reflected sound to get the sense of a real event. Typically, the speakers are further apart with respect to angle (not distance), perhaps 45 degrees or more for omni and 30 degrees for monopole. An added advantage to this placement is that the sound stage widens and deepens for the omni.

The key to the lifelike sound of Bayz Audio is that the direct sound and the reflected sound have the same frequency response and are in phase (if you disregard room absorption and diffraction). This is how a live performance sounds at a studio or concert, etc.

With respect to distance from side walls, too close is never good for an omni, monopole, or dipole. Generally speaking, the bigger the room, the better.

Absorption and diffraction are a matter of personal taste so whatever sounds best to you is the best.
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PeterA , You'll also find placement information at the end of this article.
First, let me say, my listening bias has always been towards the near field setup, regardless of the speakers or system.

Preliminary setup with the Courantes for me was 2m from front wall and 1m from the side walls in my 4m x 12m (13.5ft x 40ft) listening room forming an equilateral triangle 2m on each side (speaker to speaker and speakers to the listening position).

The beauty of the Courantes is there is no real sweet 'spot', more of a sweet zone which extends to either side and one row back of the prime LP with little degradation of the listening experience.

Then I started moving the speakers closer to the side walls. At the same 2m from the front wall .75 m from the side walls and a 2.5m equilateral triangle. I listened critically again.

My initial impression with these two setups is that, with increasing speaker width, one gains soundstage width, but at the expense of depth and micro layering.

Since I have lots of length;), I may try moving the speakers even further out from the front wall (2.5m or 3m) while maintaining the 2 or 2.5m equilateral triangle.

When I can, I will share my impressions of the various set-ups.

I have minimal room treatments. Four, 4' high bass traps on the centre of the front wall, and 3 CD racks symmetrically on each wall providing some diffusion.

Still lots to learn.
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I would expect Zoltan's probably asleep by now. The crossover is first order at 2k for both the Courante and the Counterpoint. the waterfall plot of the BRS shows usable response from 50k to below 500 Hz...
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Zoltans probably asleep. The crossover is first order at 2k for both the Courante and the Counterpoint. the waterfall plot of the BRS shows usable response to below 500 Hz...
Thank you ! Good luck integrating the sub-towers, you have a difficult job ahead of you.
Thank you ! Good luck integrating the sub-towers, you have a difficult job ahead of you.
Thanks Lagonda. My objective is for no compromise when I integrate my subs. I will not sacrifice the imaging or speed of the Bayz for the sake of that extra half an octave or so... I was able to achieve seamless integration with my previous speakers, the Rockport Cygnus, but the Bayz are a completely different animal (in a good way).
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Thanks Lagonda. My objective is for no compromise when I integrate my subs. I will not sacrifice the imaging or speed of the Bayz for the sake of that extra half an octave or so...
Yes it is such a delicate balancing act, those deepest frequencies can either ad a whole new level of realism and recording venue information, or destroy the clarity and speed of the main speakers. In my experience room dimensions, driver material compatibility and even amplifier topology and speed can affect the outcome.
Yes it is such a delicate balancing act, those deepest frequencies can either ad a whole new level of realism and recording venue information, or destroy the clarity and speed of the main speakers. In my experience room dimensions, driver material compatibility and even amplifier topology and speed can affect the outcome.

Forgive me if you've already answered this, but where did your sub towers end up in your MBL set-up?
My listening room is 6,5 m wide, and i prefer the sound with the sub-towers close to the front wall corners about 1,5 m from the main speakers. If they get much closer the rear wave of the omnis give of a uneven sound field.

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