i investigated headphones in Jan 2011 with top level perfromance in mind, and ended up buying some used headphones to dip my toe in, and then ordering the Headamp BHSE (Blue Hawaii Special Edition) electrostatic amplifier. later i ordered the new Stax 009 headphones.
this combo proved to be pretty amazing compared to any other headphone combo i tried....and if the $12k list price is not too steep then it's a no-brainer. it was the only headphone combination that i considered truely not veiled and favorably compared to my 2-channel system. none others got very close.
i did sell all my headphone gear to help pay for new amps and speakers.
I heard that combo at RMAF 2011. I had exactly the same thoughts. If I had to down size to just head phones that would be the rig I would get. I can't justify having both right now.