If find the break in process frustrating, have used too many hours in front of the stereo like that. The example with Argento cables, was that I had a demo model of the Argento Serenity interconnect cable on loan from the dealer for a week. I was so impressed with cable, so I decided to order a new pair. When I got the new cables I was so concerned about the sound that I messaged the dealer to ask if there was a production error. It sounded very harsh sound and compressed in the beginning, and I could not understand this was the same cables. Yes, them took over 400 hours to really open up and continued to improve even further. The natural ebb and flow of the music is last to come. I do not sit a listen hour after hour (well I do that too, lol), but just let stereo play on repeat and test some familier tracks from time to time. Well enough said about this topic from my side now.