No gimmicks or slight of hand here, just some honest appraisal of comparisons we did on my system (listed below): Note, in both comparisons I had to turn down volume two clicks when switching to the MoFi as they were recorded a bit hotter/louder (perhaps not enough though).
comparison one: (myself and three other audiophiles in attendance),
Acetate/Lacquer of Marvin Gaye "What's Going On", "Archival Tape Edition No. 011, cut from Master Tape (no59/99) at Supersense, Vienna on 13/Oct/2023; The above compared with a 45 RPM Ultradisc One-Step Pressing on "Supervinyl" by Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab which, I believe, was Master Tape through A2D processing into DSD64, from that through D2A processing to Lacquer, to Covert, to Vinyl (no4471/7500).
Results: Listener no 1 (listens to digital predominately), preferred the clarity of the MoFi record. He commented on all the HiFi aspects (sound stage, bass extension, clarity of voice and instruments) and thought it would be the record he would demo if I ever wanted to sell my system. Listener no 2 (listens to both, but predominately digital), preferred the acetate. He felt the pure analogue recording more real sounding, more relaxing to listen to. Listener no 3 (predominately analogue listener) preferred the acetate as well. Although he didn't think he could tell a difference on his home system, on mine he heard more air around instruments and voice on the pure analogue recording. Myself (predominately analogue), I preferred the pure analogue acetate recording by a fair degree. My perception is that the MoFi recording is a bit sharp/etched in presentation which does sound clearer or more distinct, and also draws one's attention to the various elements of HiFi, whereas the music played off the Supersense Acetate just wafted over me like live music. My feelings at the time were that I could listen to this sort of thing all day, but would probably stop listening after perhaps two sides of the MoFi as it causes some sort of discomfort in me.
Comparison two: (just the wife and I listening),
Electric Recording Company recording of Crosby, Stills & Nash, (ERC080) tape loop mastered with simple levelling from the Analogue master tape through all-valve amplification to the lacquer on the Ortophon cutter, then to convert to vinyl, limited production (no297/450). This was compared to a Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab Ultradisc One-Step Pressing on Supervinyl that was transferred from Master Tape to DSD128 (I believe), through some A2D processing, then D2A, Lacquer, Convert, Vinyl (no4738/12,000).
Results: Listener no 1 (the Goode Wife, rarely listens, doesn't follow the hobby so calls it as she hears it), preferred the MoFi DSD128-to-Analogue recording over the pure analogue ERC LP. She cited the "clarity" as being the reason. Listener no 2 (myself), I preferred the ERC, but by only a very slight margin. My reasons were greater air/3-dimentionality of the pure analogue recording. Example; when Stephen Stills sings "It's my heart..." in Judy Blue Eyes, on the analogue recording it sounds as if he is standing right of centre facing left where the microphone was placed. When he sings "it's my heart..." you can tell that he is turning his head to the right away from the microphone and then the voice comes back slightly delayed from the back wall of the recording studio...with the MoFi, it just sounds as if the volume is turned down where he stands. Similar 3-D effects lost when the guy on the left of centre sings in Spanish, on ERC slight head movements give 3-D impression of head singing, whereas with the MoFi, to me anyway, sounds like a speaker there making the clear voice but very 2-D.
Why did the MoFi come closer to matching analogue with the second example, hard to say. It could be the advantage of acetate over subsequent pressings, even if the subsequent pressings were at 45RPM. It could be that the CS&N MoFi, being recorded at a faster sampling rate (DSD128) makes it sound closer to analogue. One finding I haven't yet mentioned, the ERC recording of CS&N was not as fantastic-sounding as I had anticipated it would be. I watched a review of other re-pressings compared with original pressings on YouTube where the reviewer claimed that the original mastering wasn't great. So why would that make a difference in favour of the digital recording? I think, perhaps, that it is like photo-editing on your computer (in the digital realm). Very nice photos can be screwed up if you add colour and sharpness whereas not so nice photos can be improved greatly using those tools. Perhaps the Marvin Gaye was so good to begin with that MoFi didn't fiddle with the bass or treble except to turn up the volume a bit overall. The CS&N master tape, however, could do with some cleaning up and that corrected it enough to sound nearly as good (or better per my wife) as the pure analogue ERC version? I don't know, what do you all think?