Can digital get to vinyl sound and at what price?

I'm really pretty impressed with how my stereo sounds. Especially using digital. I am sitting quite near field. But darn. The detail and reaism is off the charts compared to my last room. Its the best my stereo Has been. At least for clarity, balance of tone, frequency extension, bass and impact. The soundstage is wide and well placed. Yet it has little depth. I probably have to move back for that.

Anyhow. This feels like one of those leapfrog moments I have talked of in the past. For the most part, the ststem sounds better than it ever has in the past. That means playing digital on the same equipment in a different room is of higher quality than my vinyl or tape has ever been. That can be interpreted as digital is better than vinyl and tape, depending on the setup. One could argue I have to re-install the vinyl and tape to compare. They should have improved also. Maybe true. But, by resetting the same equipment in a different location has elevated the digital source beyond the capabilitues of the vinyl and tape in a different room.

By this thinking, I could say digital is just as good, if not better than vinyl and tape, depending of the equipment setup.

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