I have been a music lover for many years. I have listened to music on a variety of formats. I have also heard some of the best digital equipment, including servers such as Taiko SGM, Wadax Reference Server, Aurander W20SE and 30SE, Pink Faun 2.16, Antipodes Oladra, Innuos Statement, and other companies. I have also listened to DACs such as MSB Select 2, Wadex Reference, DCS Vivaldi stack, Lampizator Horizon, Aries Cerat Kassandra Signature MKII, and many others.
When I compared the digital sources to the turntable sources on each of those systems, I preferred the sound of vinyl. This was true even when the turntable source was less expensive than the digital source.
I know that vinyl isn't the most convenient format. It's bulky, it's fragile, and it can be expensive. But to me, the sound of vinyl is simply unbeatable. It has a warm, rich, and full-bodied sound that I find much more enjoyable than any digital source I have heard.
The digital format can sound great, especially with high-quality equipment. But for me, there's just something about the sound of vinyl that I can't get enough of. It's a sound that's more alive and engaging.