Can You Believe This-The Government Wants Us To Go EV but In So Doing They Will impose a gas surcharge

I didn't know this. My question is why didn't Gates offer to sell it to the USA

He did. Regulations and pushback on nuclear power in the U.S.A. Fear of leakage and storage issues have essentially killed nuclear power in the U.S.A. Shame. One of a number of areas in which the USA has fallen behind the world in technology.
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50 years from now, looking back on how we tried to legislate technology in the name of ecology, i wonder how today might be viewed?

will we be better for it? or in spite of it? or worse accordingly?

and how much of the world was actually affected positively by all that effort of a few? and whether those things made any real difference in the long run?

i go back and forth on this stuff.
There's a new documentary about Bill Gates on's in my queue...soon.

I started a thread yesterday on Patrick Moore, who's ideology fits with some members here.

Oil is driving some people crazy, climate change is driving some people crazy, electric cars versus gas cars is driving some people crazy, ... we as the human race living @ the edge of some more craziness by some more crazy people in all sectors of our economy and ecology ... we adapt.
Well you have bought into the great liberal power grab. Congrats. When the gov't controls your hydrocrabon, you have no power. Climate change ? shit. The climate has been changing since it's inception, we are not going to stop it. Liberal fascists should focus on the real polluters...Asia, India and most developing countries. As far as sports cars go, there will never be an electric or electric assist in my garage. Porsche, Ferrari have prematurely ejaculated on battery power. They of course have no choice...the fascist socialist fucktards in power(EU) are to blame.

The US could lead the world on Climate Change by motivating India and China to do more. FYI, India is only 7% of the problem according to the EPA. Backing out of the Paris Climate Accords is going in the wrong direction, but it's not surprising given that the US government is still owned by the fossil fuel industry. You cannot blame Libtards for this.

China is already the leading user of solar panels and electric cars and busses BTW.

Interestingly, I have never heard a libtard tell me that the government needs to solve all of their problems.
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50 years from now, looking back on how we tried to legislate technology in the name of ecology, i wonder how today might be viewed?

will we be better for it? or in spite of it? or worse accordingly?

Perhaps 100 years ago if our forefathers had the knowledge we had now things might have been different. Simply put we are at the dawn of a new era. No different when the gasoline driven auto came into being. There were but a handful of early users until the auto industry and demand made it explode. Where we are now with the EV is no different IMHO.

What strikes me as some what unrealistic is the feeling that naysayers convey. This is not a state thing, or a country thing or a you and me thing but rather this is a global thing.

I said before "last man out, close the door"

We are all adults and fortunately we have freedom of choice. I respect others feelings but it seems to be the others who have no respect for what other people believe often inflict misguided and misinformed statements.

This is not buying into any liberal power grab. That is not me so those statements do nothing but generate ill will to all concerned
the overall market volume will shrink dramatically as the prices for all this tech rises. and the high volume ICE products that fund the alternate fuel vehicles now will go away. we are now past a $30k USD average transaction cost trending toward $50k USD cost (in present dollars) within 10-15 years. most buyers will be left out of that equation. government can't subsidize the whole auto market.

Why not? This is exactly what happened in Norway. Take $.05 per dollar from every person with income over 5 million a year and this will pay for it. Put a $4 federal gas tax and this would easily pay for it, as well as taking a lot of gas guzzlers off the roads doing unnecessary travel. Time to take all of that pent-up wealth that is doing nothing for the country and release it for the good of the country and the planet.
The thing we should be taking a strong look at is Nuclear Power. I watched a Doc on Bill Gates and it appears he has a group of scientists and engineers that have designed a truly safe nuclear power reactor that uses spent fuel. The reactor is cooled with liquid metal. Chinas leader came to meet with Bill Gates and signed a contract for use of this nuclear power reactor in China but because of US Tariffs the project has been shut down indefinitely, and not by China, but by Trump administration. This power reactor looks very interesting only needing refueling every 10 years. We have enough spent fuel to power the whole US for over 100 years.

Never happen. Not after Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukashima. Even if plants are not subject to meltdown, they are still targets for terrorism. No state wants the spent fuel sequestered there.
Why not? This is exactly what happened in Norway. Take $.05 per dollar from every person with income over 5 million a year and this will pay for it. Put a $4 federal gas tax and this would easily pay for it, as well as taking a lot of gas guzzlers off the roads doing unnecessary travel. Time to take all of that pent-up wealth that is doing nothing for the country and release it for the good of the country and the planet.

sure; Norway is a good example of reality. what percentage of the world's population and ecology is Norway? how representative of reality is Norway?

it's like a movie set.

let's all be like Norway. maybe Bill Gates can work on that. :)

50 years from now, looking back on how we tried to legislate technology in the name of ecology, i wonder how today might be viewed?

will we be better for it? or in spite of it? or worse accordingly?

and how much of the world was actually affected positively by all that effort of a few? and whether those things made any real difference in the long run?

i go back and forth on this stuff.

I am usually an optimist, but this time, not so much. I have little faith in humanity given what I've witnessed over the last 3 years and the resistance of almost everyone to being part of the solution instead of part of the problem. I think we will be embroiled in world-wars in 50 years and the climate refugees will be dying of water and food shortages by the tens of millions.
sure; Norway is a good example of reality. what percentage of the world's population and ecology is Norway? how representative of reality is Norway?

it's like a movie set.

let's all be like Norway.

Excellent idea. It's one of the places of the happiest people on earth.
Perhaps 100 years ago if our forefathers had the knowledge we had now things might have been different. Simply put we are at the dawn of a new era. No different when the gasoline driven auto came into being. There were but a handful of early users until the auto industry and demand made it explode. Where we are now with the EV is no different IMHO.

What strikes me as some what unrealistic is the feeling that naysayers convey. This is not a state thing, or a country thing or a you and me thing but rather this is a global thing.

I said before "last man out, close the door"

We are all adults and fortunately we have freedom of choice. I respect others feelings but it seems to be the others who have no respect for what other people believe often inflict misguided and misinformed statements.

This is not buying into any liberal power grab. That is not me so those statements do nothing but generate ill will to all concerned

Libtard power grab is just another conservative talking point that gets parrotted by those that retreat back into their tribes. Time to take the blinders off and venture outside the tribe. There is a wonderful world out there to discover. Without libtards, we would not have this laptop you are using or the smart-phone in your hand. I would rather not go back to stone wheels and oxen myself.
sure; Norway is a good example of reality. what percentage of the world's population and ecology is Norway? how representative of reality is Norway?

it's like a movie set.

let's all be like Norway. maybe Bill Gates can work on that. :)


Which country then should you use as an example Mike? How about China

So because Norway is small they are insignificant in the great scheme of things and they should be discounted due to their size

go ahead and wiggle your nose and make that happen.

i'll watch.

Or maybe I'll relocate to Norway. The US doesn't need the taxes I pay anyway. They don't know how to properly spend it. They only know how to borrow themselves into bankruptcy.

Which country then should you use as an example Mike? How about China

So because Norway is small they are insignificant in the great scheme of things and they should be discounted due to their size


postulations for fixing the world using a country with the most favorable balance of advantages seems not helpful.

it's like using Michael Jordan as how we all should be able to play basketball. quirks of fate are just that.....quirks.
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Denying or putting the problem on someone else. That is what is not helpful.
One thing the most people don't realize is that the US military is the single largest consumer of fossil fuels on the planet. 1.2B metric tons of CO2 emitted from the US military annually compared to all of the power plants in the US at 1.8B metric tons or all of the passenger cars and trucks at .89B metric tons.
To each our own Christian. I have my exit plan and you have yours. That's what makes the world a special place as we are all free to make decisions as we see fit. I'm tired of paying increasing costs of gasoline to fill 2 Mercedes each month as well as the increasing cost of electricity. Not sure what you pay for electricity but here in South Orange County, SDGE charges as much as $0.45 per kWh !!!!

Steve, I think this is precisely what some people are complaining about. We are not "free to make decisions as we see fit." The govt. is imposing taxes on the rest of us to subsidize EV sales to those who choose to buy EVs. This is not a free market and the EVs are too expensive for people to buy without the subsidies. Others think that is fine because society "benefits" just like it does when people without kids pay for the education of others' children. We elect the representatives and they make these decisions for us. So the world goes. We are free to criticise or complain about the decisions that are made for us by others, at least here.
Honda, Diesel and Europe ...

Japan, Pacific Ocean and Radioactive water dumping (massive quantities) ...

When I've read that one just above ^ two weeks ago it got me seriously ill. That's reality.
Someone mentioned terrorism; that too because nuclear plants are not expression to say extreme hazardous danger (mass extinction with extreme prejudice).

It's no wonder Japan is waking up and act upon...’s-nuclear-power-plants.html

By 2030 nuclear power in Japan = Zero.
By 2030 Ocean Pacific radioactivity = More than in 1930.

Volkswagen recent news ...

Some people get rich by lying and manipulating. Not good four the kids of our kids tomorrow.
Not a legacy to leave them with. As if it wasn't bad already ...
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