Cardas Clear Beyond XL vs Shunyata Denali V2


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Decided to try out Cardas Clear Beyond XL power and compare to my loom of Shunyata Delta V2 NR power cables. I enjoy my system and it’s a work in process, certainly attainable. Revel Salon 2, Parasound pre and JC5, transparent super gen 6 signal cables. The more fair comparison price wise is Alpha but this is what I have. Shunyata has had a lot of attention in the past few years with their latest series of cables. Cardas Clear is well known but a few years older. I was quite surprised with what I heard- in fact the answer was quite clear.
The Cardas was simply mesmerizing. Bad recordings were “fixed.” There really were absolutely no down sides. For the first time it was just pure music. I was taught to like Shunyata and I’m sure the omega level is amazing, but I wanted to put in a good word for Cardas.
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Decided to try out Cardas Clear Beyond XL power and compare to my loom of Shunyata Delta V2 NR power cables. I enjoy my system and it’s a work in process, certainly attainable. Revel Salon 2, Parasound pre and JC5, transparent super gen 6 signal cables. The more fair comparison price wise is Alpha but this is what I have. Shunyata has had a lot of attention in the past few years with their latest series of cables. Cardas Clear is well known but a few years older. I was quite surprised with what I heard- in fact the answer was quite clear.
The Cardas was simply mesmerizing. Bad recordings were “fixed.” There really were absolutely no down sides. For the first time it was just pure music. I was taught to like Shunyata and I’m sure the omega level is amazing, but I wanted to put in a good word for Cardas.
my friend uses these cables and he’s very impressed as well.
Less noise and hash. Seemed more analog and life-like. For some reason in my system Shunyata power cords are just flat.
Thank you.

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