Has anyone compared Shunyata Alpha NR V1 vs Delta NR V2


Mar 28, 2022
I am looking to upgrade the power cords on my Luxman D-10X and Lumin X1.
Deciding between Alpha NR V1 or Delta NR V2.
I can buy these cables for about the same money. Would love to hear if anyone has made a comparison. Aloha!
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I am looking to upgrade the power cords on my Luxman D-10X and Lumin X1.
Deciding between Alpha NR V1 or Delta NR V2.
I can buy these cables for about the same money. Would love to hear if anyone has made a comparison. Aloha!
I wish I could answer that. I did find that the Delta NR v2 was significant better than the Alpha HC that came before the Alpha NR v1, but I’m not sure how much better the Alpha NR v1 was over the Alpha HC.

I will say though that if your system could use some more clarity in the upper frequencies, then the v2 cables are a good way to go. The addition of silver conductors changed the Shunyata house sound for the better IMHO. And the more of it you have in your system the better.
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Thanks Kenny. I spoke to Richard at Shunyata and he said that the general consensus he is hearing from customers and dealers is that the new Delta NR v2 bests the Alpha NR v1. Your comment is very relevant as it is down to how the system is sounding and my aims. Right now using older Shunyata cables, I think it has a great balance but would it be better with a slight increase in upper clarity? It's hard to say until I hear it, right ;-) I am ordering a Denali 2000/v2 and Alpha HC v2 to power it. And an Alpha v2 NR for the Luxman power amp. So that leaves all my source components ( C-900u, D-10x and Lumin X1). Which is the question I need to answer. Delta v2 NR or Alpha v1 NR. Richard suggested that the difference i would hear between the Delta and an Alpha v2 NR would not be a big concern unless I heard them side by side. Into the rabbit hole we go......
I am ordering a Denali 2000/v2 and Alpha HC v2 to power it. And an Alpha v2 NR for the Luxman power amp. So that leaves all my source components ( C-900u, D-10x and Lumin X1). Which is the question I need to answer. Delta v2 NR or Alpha v1 NR. Richard suggested that the difference i would hear between the Delta and an Alpha v2 NR would not be a big concern unless I heard them side by side. Into the rabbit hole we go......
I will say that I could not be happier with my Delta v2s. The bang for buck is pretty high with these cords.

I was using Alpha HC on my Denali v1, amp, DAC and music server. I first ordered two Delta v2 and placed them on Denali and my amp. This was a very nice improvement, but an even larger improvement came next. Swapping out the Alpha HC on my DAC brought a bigger upgrade than adding the first two. I was stunned but I think it showed that the Delta v2 on my Denali and amp was being constrained by use of Alpha HC to my DAC. Next came swapping in a Delta v2 for my K30 server. Again the improvement was bigger than expected.
Mahalo! Sounds like getting a full complement of v2 wire is going to show the best improvements. Delta v2's should be perfect for my sources.
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Just ordered up a Denali 6000/S v2 and an Alpha XC to power it. Then in a bit get Alpha NR v2 for the power amp and pre amp. Delta V2's for the sources. really appreciate your help Kenny.
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