DAC comparison and recommendation request

Hi, I am on the lookout for a new DAC in my system which currently is Octave amplification (HP-700SE + RE320) and Marten Parker Trio speakers.
I previously har an Aqua La Scala II which I am regretting dearly having sold.
Now, I am considering a Soulnote D2 or Tambaqui - I also could get hold of a DCS Bartok 2.0 for around the same price.
Anyone familiar with those?

Aqua Formula (?).

/ Marcus, www.perfect-sense.se
Another contender, yes, but there are no Aqua distributors/sellers locally any more as far as I know.
Also, good as it was, the LaScala had a few issues reproducing the lowest frequencies (for examples on a Hans Zimmer Balde Runner 2049 film score) where it produced audible distortion. Probably something to do with the output transformers according to Aqua. That case never got resolved by the manufacturer.
Hi, I am on the lookout for a new DAC in my system which currently is Octave amplification (HP-700SE + RE320) and Marten Parker Trio speakers.
I previously har an Aqua La Scala II which I am regretting dearly having sold.
Now, I am considering a Soulnote D2 or Tambaqui - I also could get hold of a DCS Bartok 2.0 for around the same price.
Anyone familiar with those?

Thanks for the feedback regarding Aqua where this seems to be a specific issue that I haven't heard about before.

We've got extensive experience with Mola Mola and many others within this segment. I would have a close look at Playback Designs as well if you're willing to spend a bit more.

The choice ultimately comes down to system synergy and what you're looking for in terms of characteristics from your system.

/ Marcus, www.perfect-sense.se
Well, the Aqua did a lot of things right for me, especially the naturalness and soundstage/depht was very good. With just a hint of tubishness.

Something similar would be nice- not too warm or comfortable, though. I’m a sucker for a big soundstage and 3D . But I guess I have enough tubes in my system right now, unless I’m going to change to a class D poweramp at some later point in time.
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It's interesting that the OP found the Okto dac8 Stereo to be characterized by " 'wall of sound' and very in-your-face without soundstage nuance, seemed accurate and detailed with huge bottom end but was harsh/unforgiving on top." The list of auditioned DACs is amazing and I've certainly never heard most of them, but I find the Okto to be very different in concert with my admittedly new Modwright KWH 225i.
Compared with the mid-level DACs I own (the Chord Qutest, the miniDSP SHD and the NAD M32's internal DAC), I find the Okto's soundstage to extend beyond the speakers laterally when appropriate, while - for example - constraining a solo piano or small jazz combo to where they should be. Perhaps most impressively for me, I've experienced surprising front/back soundstage depth. I also haven't experienced top-end glare or harshness, although I recognize that speakers, cables, and room play important roles here.
I don't claim that the Okto dac8 Stereo is superior to the extraordinary DACs on the OP's list, but I'm very pleased with it in my system thus far.
Glad you were and perhaps still are enjoying the Okto DAC 8 Stereo. For me the big question is how will the DAC 8 Pro sound? I wish I could find someone who might have done a head to head comparison on the two. I need the Pro to build a 3.3 system. I don't want to risk springing for the Merging Hapi, for a lot more money, and being somehow disappointed. The Dangerous Music might be the best choice-possibly better sounding than the Okto, but who knows. Please share any other 8 channel DAC experiences. Thank you.
Hi, I am on the lookout for a new DAC in my system which currently is Octave amplification (HP-700SE + RE320) and Marten Parker Trio speakers.
I previously har an Aqua La Scala II which I am regretting dearly having sold.
Now, I am considering a Soulnote D2 or Tambaqui - I also could get hold of a DCS Bartok 2.0 for around the same price.
Anyone familiar with those?
I'm also using tube amplification with Marten Parker Trio Diamond speakers and bought a Soulnote D-3 DAC roughly a year ago. I never regretted it. The clear space filling sound and wonderful midrange got me sold. I didn't do a direct comparison with the D-2 but I think the sound character should be retained. It might be a good match with your system but as always, if possible, demo it first at your place.
I had wanted to understand why the Playback Designs DAC sounded not just better but different from the other DACs I auditioned, there was a similarity in the sound of the other DACs. I think Andreas Koch kind of explains it in this YT video.

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Great post. I've also owned the Tambaqui and Meitner MA3 and listened to both at length with multiple systems/configurations to get the best from them. Both are good.

However, my older Lampizator TRP2 was ultimately better to my ears with comparable detail and extension (with good tubes) yet with more image density, ambiance, soundstage depth, and ease/flow that is seductive, yet not syrupy at all from the TRP. Instead, the TRP is very energetic, in a vinyl sort of way to me, and the tube rolling tunability is divine if you are inclined as an optimizer (vs a satisfiser). This is with the Lampi being fed by an Innuos Zenith 3 via USB, comparing the MMT and MA3 fed by ethernet or USB via the Innuos.

Depending on funds, I'd suggest the Lampi TRP3 or the excellent Poseidon, which I also own. The Poseidon ran direct to amps is the only DAC to make a meaningful improvement over the TRP shy of the ~$100K MSB (The MSB is amazing...although I decided to put the funds in a Rivian electric truck instead for better back for the liability bucks! :).

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