The thread is moving in a different direction from what the OP asked .. Just 2 brands that got to move toward more brands being ..well ... brandied..
I have a few things to say and will get back to my lair...
having been in the hobby for the past 40 years .. I have seen this, been there, done that and the whole sack of cliches..
To me horns is where I am right now.
As in many things it is a matter of implementation and there are bad implementations. Multi driver speakers need the drivers to integrate and this often requires a given listening distance. This requirement has to be balanced with the distribution of nodes in the room. Seems to be a different subject but it is related to the speaker in question. Seat too close and the drivers don't integrate .. too far and too close to a wall and you have the reflections plus a wronged FR... so the dimensions of the room play a great role in the speaker one chooses.. I don't know the Wagner or the Cessaro best listening distance so I can't say .. it would require to listen to similar designs within your room to have an idea.
The VS are among my favorite when it comes to cones and they may be the solution ... on this Von S. had a speaker where the subs where in the back of the room and were DSP'ed for optimal response .. What about it? Don't know the budget ... In this relatively small room if my choice is between these two I would go VS
I am now a decidedly horn person... Will update you soon...
Now a little itch I need to scratch ... In what way a variable slope crossover would achieve true to form time alignment? If the crossovers lope varies so does the (eventual time algnment) and ... What is "true to form" time alignment.. We better take this to a different thread but I think such shouldn't be said without backing it up with some facts.
Just out of curiosity, since I don't find it anywhere, what horns do you have?