For me besides the fact that it sounds good, it also should look good. The colors on the CH Precision screens as well as the colors I have used for the ambiance lighting are the same, so the main colors on the CH P screens are blue and red (only in case of playing SCAD it will be green). Just note that when playing, the lighting is very faint/dim, so certainly not screaming. The spotlight on the tree painting is chosen such as to create a serene background of the early morning sun rising behind that tree. Without that spotlight the painting is actually not that involving... I have had guests coming over who couldn't care less about actual sound quality, (they didn't tell me that, but I know
) but still sat in the listening chair for a while, just to experience the tranquility of that particular seating. It all adds up to the overall experience of stepping into the other world, leaving the daily issues behind... It's not only about sound, its the whole package.....