Coda no 16 amplifier

Sorry no, I use Transparent Super speaker cables with my CSiB, but as mentioned I only WISH I had the #16. The P1 is hooked up using Transparent Super XLRs.
I had the used Lumin X1 delivered a bit sooner than expected. I also bought the $250 Lumin remote control. I use ROON and I do like the useability of ROON + Lumin hand remote. Much easier than the Lumin app which I was not a fan of the GUI. This remote makes it easy for everyone to use the system.

The CODA #16 arrives on Tuesday and I am going to go X1 direct to amp. I am testing it out today with the AHB2 monos and it is rather good. No loss of sonics at low volumes. The LEEDH volume seems to be up to the task. I am streaming with the fibre.

The X1 sounds amazing with my Benchmark LA4 preamp. The preamp I was planning on using with the CODA #16, but not now. I am going to give the X1 direct to amp a go.

I will try to leverage the XLR + RCA toggle button on the front of the CODA #16 by using a Schitt SYS volume control ($50) to connect to the RCA CODA inputs. The X1 goes into XLR. The SYS is to include a tuner with the system. I use the tuner for background music in the Livingroom system. Though the SYS is supposed to be very good at volume and is not expected to mess up the sound. I am not sure if the SYS even needs a power cord.
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I had the used Lumin X1 delivered a bit sooner than expected. I also bought the $250 Lumin remote control. I use ROON and I do like the useability of ROON + Lumin hand remote. Much easier than the Lumin app which I was not a fan of the GUI. This remote makes it easy for everyone to use the system.

The CODA #16 arrives on Tuesday and I am going to go X1 direct to amp. I am testing it out today with the AHB2 monos and it is rather good. No loss of sonics at low volumes. The LEEDH volume seems to be up to the task. I am streaming with the fibre.

The X1 sounds amazing with my Benchmark LA4 preamp. The preamp I was planning on using with the CODA #16, but not now. I am going to give the X1 direct to amp a go.

I will try to leverage the XLR + RCA toggle button on the front of the CODA #16 by using a Schitt SYS volume control ($50) to connect to the RCA CODA inputs. The X1 goes into XLR. The SYS is to include a tuner with the system. I use the tuner for background music in the Livingroom system. Though the SYS is supposed to be very good at volume and is not expected to mess up the sound. I am not sure if the SYS even needs a power cord.
The #16 has XLR input so why use the Schitt between the X1 and the #16? IMO the Lumin app may not be as slick as Roon but sounds better in my system, so I gave up on Roon last year.
The Schitt SYS is not for the Lumin X1. The Lumin X1 goes into the XLR of the #16. The SYS goes into the RCA of the #16. I attached a tuner to the SYS and it works great in my office where I am testing it..

My X1 is a bit better into the Benchmark LA4 preamp in my office. That is at low volume. I plan to use the X1 in my Livingroom sometime in the future. I figured that Leedh is good enough for the Livingroom, especially with the built-in streaming. The X1 eliminates my preamp and a few boxes from my Sonore OpticalRendu streaming. I want less boxes in the Livingroom.

You use a good power cable and plug the #16 directly into the wall. A power conditioner I had resulted in lack of dynamics.
I alternate between my Benchmark AHB2 monos and the #16 every 2 weeks. This is a temporary thing until I buy KEF Blade 2 Meta for the Livingroom. I am using a custom made KRELL 15-foot PC to the wall and the other end goes into this SINE wave thing.

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@lancelock The guy who told me to do this maybe the person that bought your #16. I forgot his A'gon handle but he has some good observations in the past. So, I gave it a try. I cannot tell a difference with direct to wall. I am using an Audience low end PC from the amp to either the wall or Sine wave device.

With respect to the sonics I love it and it has a bit more bass than the AHB2 monos. Though the AHB2 has a bit more clarity that I really love. Going forward the plan is to buy the KEF Blade 2 Meta and a Playback Designs MPD-8 DAC. I may buy a second Benchmark LA4 preamp for this system or run direct to amp.

I have a tuner that I want to add to the future Livingroom system system so I bought a $50 passive volume thing called a SYS,
Schiit Audio: Audio Products Designed and Built in Texas and California

It works surprisingly well. If I do not get the second LA4 preamp, then I will use the SYS. The tuner is for background music in the Livingroom.

Currently remotely working 2 full-time jobs so this Livingroom system will happen with year, unless I lose the contract.

BTW - I also have a Lumin X1 DAC that I was using on this system, and it was great. However, I moved the Lumin over to my RAAL SR1a and CA-1a (with VM-1a headphone amp). The RAAL system is my best system, so I went with my best DAC and it makes a difference. The CODA and AHB2 are now with the Benchmark DAC3B. I am looking to add a second DAC for that since I have 1 free streaming output on the X1.
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I should have added that the CODA #16 is hindered by lower quality speaker cable. The Benchmark AHB2 has Audience FrontRow and I need to get a second set of the same for the CODA#16. I cannot use the existing cables on the CODA because it has SpeakON termination at the amp end.
My KEF KC62 sub died, and I now have a naked LS50 Meta system in my small office. I have the CODA #16 in storage next to the LS50 until I get my KEF Blades 2 Meta later in the year.

I put the CODA #16 back into the system the last few days, and sans the sub, the C0DA #16 is immediately much better than the Benchmark AHB2 monos. The sub really helps the AHB2's. Now I have put in a few more hours on the #16 and I think it has gotten better now. It is just blowing my mind how good it is on this small monitor. The very best I have heard them, and I have had a lot of amps on them, including the new KRELL Duo 175XD (a great amp).

Since I do most of my listening in the office with the LS50 Meta. I am keeping the #16 in the office permanently. The AHB2 will move out to the Livingroom to under-drive the Blade2. I will kick that can down the road, maybe buy another #16 for the Blades.
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My KEF KC62 sub died, and I now have a naked LS50 Meta system in my small office. I have the CODA #16 in storage next to the LS50 until I get my KEF Blades 2 Meta later in the year.

I put the CODA #16 back into the system the last few days, and sans the sub, the C0DA #16 is immediately much better than the Benchmark AHB2 monos. The sub really helps the AHB2's. Now I have put in a few more hours on the #16 and I think it has gotten better now. It is just blowing my mind how good it is on this small monitor. The very best I have heard them, and I have had a lot of amps on them, including the new KRELL Duo 175XD (a great amp).

Since I do most of my listening in the office with the LS50 Meta. I am keeping the #16 in the office permanently. The AHB2 will move out to the Livingroom to under-drive the Blade2. I will kick that can down the road, maybe buy another #16 for the Blades.
Sold my CODA CSiB and bought the lower power CODA S5.5 paired to a Qualiton C200 tube preamp from Audio Hungary. This combo will be the heart of my vinyl system, just trying to figure out which speakers to get for it. The S5.5 is Class A like the 16 but 50% less output current and wattage, need more efficient speakers than what I currently have to choose from, any suggestions?
@kairosman, I’d recommend choosing your speakers first, and then picking an amplifier that complements them instead of the other way around. We have no way of knowing what speakers to recommend given we know nothing about your sonic preferences, room size, placement constraints, or budget. I’d suggest creating a new thread focused on your speaker search, as that is out-of-scope for this Coda #16 thread.
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@kairosman, I’d recommend choosing your speakers first, and then picking an amplifier that complements them instead of the other way around. We have no way of knowing what speakers to recommend given we know nothing about your sonic preferences, room size, placement constraints, or budget. I’d suggest creating a new thread focused on your speaker search, as that is out-of-scope for this Coda #16 thread.
Should have hit REPLY instead of POST my mistake. @yyzSB and I have been going back and forth on this forum and others for years about CODA gear and are reasonably familiar with our respective systems. I was really intending to query just him about the speaker choice, so no I'm not seeking advice from others on this thread.
Should have hit REPLY instead of POST my mistake. @yyzSB and I have been going back and forth on this forum and others for years about CODA gear and are reasonably familiar with our respective systems. I was really intending to query just him about the speaker choice, so no I'm not seeking advice from others on this thread.
I saw my name on a WBF notification so I thought I would provide an update. I bought a PeachTree GAN1 amp for $1400 about 3 months ago. I had it modded by The plan was to use that amp/DAC as a headphone amp for my RAAL SR1a's in my family room. All I would need was network access to the amp. This amp is a bare bones amp that ONLY takes a SPDIF input, and it does not have a volume control.

Once I got the unit back, I put in in my office system first. I used my Lumin X1 DAC as a streamer via SPDIF, this has volume control for SPDIF. To say I was shocked at how good it was is an understatement. The GAN1 is not leaving the office.

I have now sold 1 of my Benchmark AHB2 amps (keeping the other), sold my KEF LS50 subwoofer (hard to integrate with the GAN1), selling FrontRow speaker cable (too short for stereo amp), and selling my KEF LS50 Meta (buying the KEF Reference 1 Meta so I do not need a subwoofer). I am keeping 1 AHB2 so I can listen to my tuners. The GAN1 has only that SPDIF digital input.

I love these 3 amps, the AHB2, GAN1, and the CODA #16. The AHB2 is the most crystal clear, but it lacks the power of the GAN1 and #16. The modded GAN1 and #16 are very close. The GAN1 benefits by having everything done inside the single box without dealing with cables. The stock GAN1 was not in the same class as the #16.

The #16 is now back to being paired with my future Livingroom floor standers. It is nice to spend less and find I enjoy the sound more.
I saw my name on a WBF notification so I thought I would provide an update. I bought a PeachTree GAN1 amp for $1400 about 3 months ago. I had it modded by The plan was to use that amp/DAC as a headphone amp for my RAAL SR1a's in my family room. All I would need was network access to the amp. This amp is a bare bones amp that ONLY takes a SPDIF input, and it does not have a volume control.

Once I got the unit back, I put in in my office system first. I used my Lumin X1 DAC as a streamer via SPDIF, this has volume control for SPDIF. To say I was shocked at how good it was is an understatement. The GAN1 is not leaving the office.

I have now sold 1 of my Benchmark AHB2 amps (keeping the other), sold my KEF LS50 subwoofer (hard to integrate with the GAN1), selling FrontRow speaker cable (too short for stereo amp), and selling my KEF LS50 Meta (buying the KEF Reference 1 Meta so I do not need a subwoofer). I am keeping 1 AHB2 so I can listen to my tuners. The GAN1 has only that SPDIF digital input.

I love these 3 amps, the AHB2, GAN1, and the CODA #16. The AHB2 is the most crystal clear, but it lacks the power of the GAN1 and #16. The modded GAN1 and #16 are very close. The GAN1 benefits by having everything done inside the single box without dealing with cables. The stock GAN1 was not in the same class as the #16.

The #16 is now back to being paired with my future Livingroom floor standers. It is nice to spend less and find I enjoy the sound more.
What did the tweak audio guys do to the peach tree?
I haven’t heard the GAN product from Peachtree, but I did own one of their older integrateds for years and there’s no way it’s in the same league as the Coda.

I remain skeptical that a product that costs around 10% of the Coda’s price and weighs about 10% of the Coda’s weight could really compete. In my years of listening and demos, there has been a correlation between weight of amplifier and sound quality, probably because the best sounding amplifiers to me run in Class A and have massive heatsinks and overbuilt power supplies.

@yyzSB can hopefully elaborate, but I will just note that reading his posts over the years here and on Audiogon it seems he’s somewhat of a gear junkie, always looking for the next best thing.

The Coda 16.0 is certainly the best amp I’ve owned/heard. My second favorite is the Plinius SA-103 I spent some good time with at a local dealer years ago. That thing was a room heater though, quite literally. The Coda is not. The Coda is also more neutral than the Plinius, which had a warmer sound. Could be a MOSFET vs. BJT thing.
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To me, it’s very difficult to beat the CODA Technologies offerings. I’ve owned the CODA CS
and the CSX, which were both previews of the #8 which is well regarded by many today. I have a pair of CODA 15.5 stereo amplifiers in my system and unless I upgrade to the 16 I won’t replace. I’m sure there are better amplifiers (maybe depends on taste of course) but with CODA one gets his money’s worth from a product that compared to many other brands is inexpensive.
They also have away of engineering Class A amplification that does not heat up the room to sauna temperatures Even when playing all day they still stay a bit warm to the touch which is amazing since the 1st 100 watts is class A biased.
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I’m not qualified to speak about those two brands as I’ve never had either one in my system. ButI I can offer this.

1. The CODA 0.7x preamp did beat my highly regarded TRL The Dude. I was very surprised.
2. The CODA 0.7x preamp also replaced a Gryphon 2 piece preamp that was.built during the 90s that had been recapped during the last year that was my friend’s pride and joy.
3. The same friend also replaced his recapped Krell KSA 250 with the CODA 8 amplifier. While not having the extreme slam and grip of the Krell (but still gave it a run for it’s money) it out performed the Krell with a more natural presentation, dynamics, speed, and tone. The CODA 8 with I believe the first 20 watts being Class A shares much of the same circuit and parts as the 16.
4. For many reasons beyond sound quality (it was much better than the Levinson hands down) I replaced my Levinson set of four 436 mono blocks with 2 CODA 15 stereo amplifiers. The 15 biased so the first 100 watts is class A was a no brainer.
5. When considering amplifiers that are Class A biased one usually gets an amplifier that doubles as a space heater. Not so with the CODA 8 or 16. While warm to the touch one could not fry an egg on top like most Class A designs I’ve experienced.
Definitely something to consider during the summer during the summer months.
6. While not flashy audio jewelry, the CODA build quality is second to none in my experience both inside and outside.
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