posted this in reply to you earlier in the thread
"Yes, running through Audio Diffmaker shows an offset of 13.53usec between Arny's 24/96 & the downsampled tracks. This is the equivalent of about half a sample - I doubt that it's audible although I do know that the just noticeable Interaural time difference is around 4usecs. But what we're talking about here is a shift of both stereo channels by 13.53usecs, not shifting one of the stereo channels. "
"- one other thing is that there seems to be timing drift between the files which if not turned on in Diffmaker gives a much worse null of -30dB or so"
Do both of these factors explain the difference in the graphs that you have shown?
Would these differences would be audible?
- a half sample offset of the resampled file
- a timing drift between the two files
Anyone can prove this for themselves:
- download Dfiffmaker
- run a difference between ArnyK's 24/96 file & his downsampled 16/44 file
- do it with different settings in Diffmaker "enable time alignment" turned on & again with it turned off
- compare the nulling values between these two runs
For further checking
- There are intermediate files created by Diffmaker which are the aligned versions of the 16/44 file
- bring that into Adobe Audition & null it against the original 24/96 file
- you will see that if you skip the first 0.187 seconds of the file (some Diffmaker glitch in the aligned file), the nulling is around -100dB for all frequencies <20KHz
- this might be about 10dB worse than the nulling you get when you run resampling using a modern resampler
- Did ArnyK's report that there is a 0.2dB difference between the original file & downsampled files & would this explain the 10dB null diff?