I see no clear trend. I don't see dozens of people who claim to have obtained statistically significant results that they think is valid. Are you the only one, Amir? I don't know.
Oh, there is a trend alright. Or should I say a bit of a snowball. You can miss it if you are not following the real story (see Orb's excellent summary).
Until now, our camp had done such a successful job of biasing all listeners into thinking these tests are unbeatable. This is a masterful version of it as I quoted in this first post of this thread:
Yes. Take the best audio system you can find. Take the best recordings you can find - recordings that sound great and also have significant content > 20 KHz, even > 35 KHz. Switch a 16 KHz brick wall filter in and out of the signal path. Nobody notices nuttin'
People say: "But I can hear pure tones at 21 KHz". Probably true. But that is without content at other frequencies masking it. Music is composed of many tones at many different frequencies. Masking in the upward direction frequency-wise is very strong.
"Nobody notices nuttin'." Love that southern charm

. The trick was to get past that experimenter bias. Unlock the door so that others have a chance to get through. So I did a listen, found the difference pretty easily and post the results. So I didn't have to "hang it up." What a relief that was

The second sentence is quite ironic seeing how to determine if "IM distortion" was behind the positive outcome, you created two ultrasonic tones with absolutely nothing below 20 Khz to mask the distortions (again as Orb mentioned). Masking? Who needs masking if you are trying to invalidate positive results. Not only that, but let's boost the levels of ultrasonics beyond any recorded music.
There are a number of people who post only on AVS who have said that they obtained a statistically significant result (including myself) but they admit that they gamed the test.
Again, the real story is not understood. None of these people would have tried to pass these tests had they not seen the positive outcome from my testing. Once that was there, they were determined to find the differences. Immediately they started on the path of becoming critical listeners!
It is not like with those cheats it is easy to find differences. It took you days to find the differences you did and I don't remember you saying you had cheated. You said you heard the difference due to IM distortion which we know doesn't hold water if we consider your masking comment.
If you are now saying there is no real audible difference and you managed to game the system, let's hear that. I asked this question repeatedly but you would not answer on AVS. It would be good to clearly get it on the record.
This is why I put "proof" in quotation mark. We didn't prove ultrasonics are audible. We proved that this "dare tests" can be passed. In your case and others by cheating. In my case, immediately listening to the files blind with no regard to which file was which. My training told me that there was a chance I could detect differences and I was not swayed by the experimenter bias of "Nobody notices nuttin'"
This is not to brag. Your doctor is not bragging when he uses his medical training to figure out what is wrong with you when you don't know. As I have explained, my hearing ability and familiarity with these tests comes from it being part of my job.
I see no evidence that anybody who posts solely on WBF has given any of them a serious try. A very conservative bunch, some of whom make themselves amusing by pontificating on ABX tests having never deigned to actually try one, even though the bar for do so is very low. The resulting false claims about ABX provide additional levity or consternation for those who are more knowledgeable.
I gave it more than a serious try. Heck of a more serious try than you gave yourself to it! You still have not run and reported your results on Scott's test. If you are so good at cheating in these tests, how come you have not provided those? How about your own "jitter" tests? We didn't see the outcome from your testing on those either (with the exception of a silly one).
You should have post the results of your test before you asked anyone else. You champion these tests yet you are the first one to be shy and afraid to post the results. And then proceed to put others in bad light for not running your test?
This is not an argument with the subjecitivists Arny. They don't claim to pass these tests or have interest in them. The tests are for *us*. The "objectivists." It is for us to determine if our assumptions are rooted in experimentation or stuff that makes sense to our belly. Now we have that data and in front of the subjectivists no less, throw out such things as masking, create artificial tests with near clipping ultrasonics, look for any excuse to dismiss the results of the test, etc. You don't think these things will come back to haunt us? I assure you they will and they have already.
It seems reasonable that more people have tried and failed but kept their failures on the QT.
Which is what you have done on other tests not yet reported despite numerous requests for you to do so.