Hi Peter
The easier question first.......these are not designed for under speakers. Whether Joe designs one specific for speakers I am guessing is locked somewhere in that brilliant mind of his.
As for Stillpoints, yes I was heavily invested in Stillpoints throughout my entire system. I don't want to get into a direct comparison here but suffice it to say that the mode of action of CS is vastly different
than that of Stillpoints and IMO vastly superior to Stillpoints at a fraction of the cost of the Ultra 5's and Ultra 6's which is what I used
There is no sound immersion with Stillpoints and in fact if anything, IMO Stillpoints rob the listener of the ambient sound which is so vital to the presence of any piece of music.
Simply put the CS is in a league of its own IMHO. There is no other foot in the market that does what it does. There are several CS users now who are now ex-Stillpoints users
I am really happy you have found the CMS footers to be fantastic and I believe they may well prove great but tend to figure while you vastly prefer them to stillpoints that doesn't exactly translate to vastly superior in any absolute terms. They work better for you in the context of your system.
I feel less than ideal application of Ultra 5s can have issues and unfortunately I find if the system is well balanced to start with then it requires even application of them throughout. But the comment on ultra 5s and ultra 6s robbing the listener of ambient sound is just one I don't sign on to at all and exactly the opposite of everything I find. Revealing low level information and resolution along with extension is absolutely their strengths but I do find them not universally applicable and also aren't good with gear and systems that have fundamental imbalances or rely on the gear not being pushed and exposed beyond certain limits and then left with weaknesses exposed. When hardness is mentioned I can only add that I have Magnepan ribbon tweeters and pure silver signal cables and am very sensitive to glare and hardness and can only attest that isn't the case at all if the rest of the setup isn't hiding some top end issues. I do find speakers like Harbeth don't benefit from ultra 5s as they extend them past their happy place and as a speaker are largely at their best already.
I don't want to turn this into a thread about other footers as I genuinely love that there is an exciting new product out there that is clearly worth trying but when the vastly superior line is thrown in for me it creates more doubt than anything that part of the excitement might require the appearance of the hyperbole polizia.
I usually don't buy into the which is best footer debate simply because it is so context related. But clearly for some Shun Mooks are the go and I love that these new footers that you are marketing may be brilliant and really great value and I may well try them myself on my second system one day... just jokin again. I am open to preferences changing and to add to my system if they can help me enjoy the music even more.