Just a beautiful system with so many fine options. Congrats.
....on your Kronos it is a fellow Canadian Mfr. I've had the opportunity to listen to it many times locally- superb table.
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Source : Brinkmann Balance+ RonT III, Kuzma Safir ,FR 66s,FR 64s, SME 3012 series 1,
Koetsu Jade, Etsuro Gold ,GFS, DaVa
Front-End: Aesthetix Io Eclipse with Volume Controls + 2 PS, Silver Slagle Autoformer, Klyne System 7 Phono, Marantz 1,7,ARC SP 3A-1
Amplifier(s): Custom Direct Drive OTL for Beveridge ESL, Wyetech Topaz, Futterman H3, Marantz 2,5,8B
Tape : Modified Otari BX5050II w/direct to DeHavilland 222
Digital: Chord Dave modified 3xFarad LPS, M Scaler, OPTO DX Isolation, Battery
Speakers: Beveridge Model 3 modified for Direct Drive ,Quad ESL ,Beveridge Model 2 SW-2
Subwoofers: 2x REL Gilbralter