CS Port LFT1 turntable added to the system

Like ikeda tonearms and the likes Cs port have not designed the product to have an export margin, which means that the product becomes almost impossible to price at retail.
i wonder what a TechDas AF1P retails for in Japan?

Japanese TechDas retail prices without taxes are around 55% of the european price that includes our high VAT tax. It looks fantastic, but after we add shipping, insurance , customs and VAT, buying directly from Japan is not worth the risk and effort - it is cheaper to get an used one in pristine condition! ;)
In the USA it makes since to buy direct from Japan since our retail prices are often higher than Europe and our import tax is very low. A lot of the time you never even get billed.
Great deck Mr. Lavigne,

Personally I feel you miss little not having vacuum suck down,the CS Port is more of a refinement than an all out assault.

Ultimately the almost silent operation of the compressor must be very enjoyable?

Once more you push the envelope whilst stroking the Gregory,

Bravo Sir,kindest regards,G.

thank you G! :)

there is no 'almost' about it; the compressor is dead quiet. as in zero noise or vibration. and i was concerned about it not being quiet, until i didn't hear it.;) it could sit right next to me and i would have no idea it was there.

i'm guessing that the CS Port approach to the air bearing design allowed for a super quiet compressor, which allowed for a compressor case that held inside any noise. thoughtful elegant design like that gives one confidence.
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Mike, spoke to Mik recently, and his enthusiasm for the CS Port is infectious. He was also chatting about the development of the Rockport.

What was it about that 1990s apogee for analog technology? Fruition of world's greatest ever tt ie the Rockport, the Studer you own. For my part, Barco Cine 9 crt projector and take no prisoners Pioneer HLD X0 laserdisc player. The big McClaren supercar that many feel is more bleeding edge than the Veyron. Etc etc. We will never see these days of analog superiority again.

observe the wealth growth in the 80's, especially in tech, which pushed luxury product development. which took the top off what people might pay to enjoy themselves.

the big A-820 Studer was a late 70's design, and early 80's product. and it was a professional tool, not a personal hifi product.

and let's open a separate thread about the Rockport, and not do that here, if we want to get into it.
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Sure, just an overview comment.
LOL. you absolutely made the right decision. personally I find the Vyger ugly as sin.

The CS-Port - Japanese build quality, exquisite Japanese engineering in a smaller logical functional form factor.

no vacuum hold down makes listening to music so much more enjoyable imo.

This table will outlast you.

And it looks so much cooler!!

I want one :)

Apologies for jumping in and I would not have, if XV1 had not made his "ugly as sin" comment.

Understood it's nothing more than a personal opinion, which is very well respected, but an opinion that disses vs. just saying you don't like the look or you prefer the CS P look regarding something that I lOVE calls for a counter, which says that I personally LOVE the look, the sound and the operation of the VYGER. To each his own.

Hey, Gillian Anderson and Giselle Bündchen are both in my lounge. I'm not gonna exactly ask one to leave.
Apologies for jumping in and I would not have, if XV1 had not made his "ugly as sin" comment.

Understood it's nothing more than a personal opinion, which is very well respected, but an opinion that disses vs. just saying you don't like the look or you prefer the CS P look regarding something that I lOVE calls for a counter, which says that I personally LOVE the look, the sound and the operation of the VYGER. To each his own.

agree Bob.

my consideration with Vyger included enjoyment of it's look. i'd relate it to my darTZeel, not for everyone, but special. yet also might engender more varied reactions and certainly not fit into every room and comfort zone. no hiding a Vyger. the CS Port might look like part of the wall or garden....sort of.
Apologies for jumping in and I would not have, if XV1 had not made his "ugly as sin" comment.

Understood it's nothing more than a personal opinion, which is very well respected, but an opinion that disses vs. just saying you don't like the look or you prefer the CS P look regarding something that I lOVE calls for a counter, which says that I personally LOVE the look, the sound and the operation of the VYGER. To each his own.

View attachment 59143

I think it is beautiful myself. Lovely Italian design. To me one of the most beautiful of all.
agree Bob.

my consideration with Vyger included enjoyment of it's look. i'd relate it to my darTZeel, not for everyone, but special. yet also might engender more varied reactions and certainly not fit into every room and comfort zone. no hiding a Vyger. the CS Port might look like part of the wall or garden....sort of.

I love the CS Port aesthetics and I'm sure it sounds GREAT!!!! Enjoy it for a long, long time.
Mike, can you elaborate a bit further re utilising yr three tts for optimal sound depending on the pressing being played.

Ok, I get we have to balance lush or lean carts depending on the arm/tt/system balance they're installed on. Or go for a hugely neutral uncoloured tt like SME, or a fatter sound like the original Linn Sondek, depending on yr personal bias.

But, now w three hugely resolving, and SOTA tts, I'm just not quite getting the pressing being suited by "one tt over the other two" concept.

Curiosity and "want it all", I get. But a classical lp better suited to a hugely neutral and resolving DD or belt drive, or a full and bass driven funk lp better suited to idler over the other two? Is this how it might transpire?
Mike, can you elaborate a bit further re utilising yr three tts for optimal sound depending on the pressing being played.

Ok, I get we have to balance lush or lean carts depending on the arm/tt/system balance they're installed on. Or go for a hugely neutral uncoloured tt like SME, or a fatter sound like the original Linn Sondek, depending on yr personal bias.

Marc, firstly, all three of these turntable's are natural and neutral sounding to begin with. i hear no built in coloration or sameness. and at their price points this is what would be expected. all three can do it all. yet each has unique attributes related to their drive approaches and degree of execution that bring high degrees of special qualities to the music. and with an extended listening session, assuming all are sufficiently warmed up and tuned, they do sound different.

on Tuesday night my friend Joe came over to install some 20 amp IEC's on my amp power cords. afterwards he wanted to hear each turntable. so i played him a recent dtd jazdoc rec "Joscho Stephan Trio" i'd been enjoying. we played it on the NVS/Telos Sapp/vdh MS to begin with....explosive......vivid, then i switched it to the Saskia/Tosca/Anna D. after a minute he said these sound about the same. then another 30 seconds or so he sat back and smiled and said wow! that is really quite a bit different. the PRAT just jumped from the grooves. later we switched it to the CS Port/GFS and can't recall his exact words but something like, it's more open and the mid range and harmonics of the guitars were reach out and touchable. the refinement is off the charts.

this was over a 15 minute period. brief hot takes!

the CS Port is just barely used. i have no idea what cartridge or arm should go here or there. the CS Port is on the CS Port phono, the other 2 on the dart phono's. i'm using an $800 set of RCA's from the CS Port phono to the dart pre. i'm using the phono cable that came in the box for the CS Port tt.

what is causing what? sure, i can hear drive characteristics, but i want to approach getting each one to sound it's best. and i might not have the ideal CS Port cartridge yet.

so i have lots of work to do. to get to the point where what i hear can be attributed to the turntables....and i'm having the most fun.
But, now w three hugely resolving, and SOTA tts, I'm just not quite getting the pressing being suited by "one tt over the other two" concept.

Curiosity and "want it all", I get. But a classical lp better suited to a hugely neutral and resolving DD or belt drive, or a full and bass driven funk lp better suited to idler over the other two? Is this how it might transpire?

it's going to take time. there is no hurry.
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Apologies for jumping in and I would not have, if XV1 had not made his "ugly as sin" comment.

Understood it's nothing more than a personal opinion, which is very well respected, but an opinion that disses vs. just saying you don't like the look or you prefer the CS P look regarding something that I lOVE calls for a counter, which says that I personally LOVE the look, the sound and the operation of the VYGER. To each his own.

View attachment 59143

Total eye candy (to my eyes).
In the USA it makes since to buy direct from Japan since our retail prices are often higher than Europe and our import tax is very low. A lot of the time you never even get billed.
I'm imported my Acoustic Signature from Poland. It took them 2 years to bill me but they finally caught up with me!
Lagonda, you have too much spare time. The Devil makes work...
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as far as relating turntable drive types and choices for different genre's of music i do think that adding a top level belt drive will help to sort that out for me. i expect that it won't be so simple as classical--pop/rock--jazz. and assign one to each type.

i already see that when playing a string quartet for instance, that some pieces prefer the Saskia, others the NVS and others the CS Port. is it a mournful, brooding, quartet? Bartok? or festive? Mozart? or intellectual? Beethoven? late, middle or early Beethoven? they are different feelings which play to different musical moods. and many times not right choice, just right for the moment.

and likely maybe even more involved than that.

and so on.
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