DaVa FC-A1 a field coil contender

3,5g VTF a degree or 2 backward VTA tilt for best soundstage depth and smoothness/balance....I run tube rectified psu at 10,55vdc

I am on 3.5g also. Slightly backward tilt by a degree or 2 too. I am running 11v now.
I just went slightly tail down like you guys. Even better now. This cartridge is amazing.

It is super vta sensitive - when you find that sweet spot, the stage just opens up and everything eases. You’ll hear it quite easily.
It is super vta sensitive - when you find that sweet spot, the stage just opens up and everything eases. You’ll hear it quite easily.

I have been reading this entire thread for some months with fascination and interest. With Bill’s encouragement, I put the money down for a DaVa months ago. Yesterday I installed it. With only a few hours yet, it is clearly a smooth, balanced and very full range instrument. I know I am early days yet and it will surely improve.

I had a few questions for DaVa owners:

--Which do you think the more significant upgrade, the custom SUT or tube power supply?

--how many hours does the cart need before it fully becomes itself?

--how valuable is the 2nd stage filtration, ie the cap before psu?
I have been reading this entire thread for some months with fascination and interest. With Bill’s encouragement, I put the money down for a DaVa months ago. Yesterday I installed it. With only a few hours yet, it is clearly a smooth, balanced and very full range instrument. I know I am early days yet and it will surely improve.

I had a few questions for DaVa owners:

--Which do you think the more significant upgrade, the custom SUT or tube power supply?

--how many hours does the cart need before it fully becomes itself?

--how valuable is the 2nd stage filtration, ie the cap before psu?

Congrats on the new cartridge. I can’t comment on the choice of SUT or tube power supply but will comment on ss vs tube - the latter is very much recommended. It brings greater inner resolution and holographic imaging than the ss in my system.
The cart needs a couple of weeks playing regularly before you will hear it at its best.
Please note that the cart can be tailored quite significantly depending on your chosen voltage. In my system it can go from laid back and open to very fast and dynamic in tbe space of only 2 volts. I recommend to experiment here or get an adjustable power supply.
The 2nd stage filtration is an absolute no brainer and should be done regardless of all the above. For the sake of $50 for an AN Kaisei cap, it is a must. You will easily hear a reduced noise floor and even further insight as a consequence.

I am about to test a 3rd stage actually - will keep you posted.

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Oeno, I think we've chatted before Lol. Great news you're getting promising initial results. I'm confident you'll love it if my experience listening to it at Bill's is anything to go by. I feel it outperforms the Red Sparrow I also heard at Bill by a healthy margin.
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You´ll like what you hear...I have built a tube rectified psu for my DaVa´s as well
Received my PSU from Darius today and installed it with the AN cap close to the arm. For the long piece of wire I’m using the generic looking cable that came with the PSU. I assume for the minimal cost I should get the Cardas for this?

Only had a chance to listen to a few sides but you can hear the improvement immediately. For my system I like it on the 12v setting so far. You do notice a SS film which was there before and is now gone. It’s also even more spacious sounding, especially in depth.

Overall worth the low cost of the upgrade but as others have said even with the basic SS PSU this cartridge is outstanding.
I hear (or is that see Lol) the DaVa was a fine part of the Primary Control tt front end at the Dutch Audio Show.
Bill, Any news on using a 3rd stage of filtration with an additional cap?
Bill, Any news on using a 3rd stage of filtration with an additional cap?

Hi Oeno,

No sorry I still haven’t gotten around to it yet. Will aim to do so in December when on holidays.
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I hear (or is that see Lol) the DaVa was a fine part of the Primary Control tt front end at the Dutch Audio Show.
Indeed. However, as i failed to tell Bernd that he shouldn't put a screw that is too long, such longer screw was used (of course). After a long warm up period, the screw started to touch the inner windings with some serious hum as a result.
As i couldn't immediately locate the problem, we had to resort to a plan B, being a Lyra Atlas cartridge Bernd had brought.
Only later did i realize my mistake. Very unfortunate because the DAVA Reference is a hell of a cartridge, with notable improvements on the FC1 and would have been on par with the rest of the system!
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