One more thing: you want to do a manufacturer a favor? Do NOT ask them to play your music! They have selected music that they think sounds best and would welcome the most number of people. I almost walked out while putting up with the customer CD that he had insisted on playing tack after track, while he was tapping his toe. It was not music with wide appeal and certainly not something of high fidelity.
I am very keen on knowing at all times that that this is a place of business for them. And that interfering with a demo should be done carefully. I for example used my CD when I would ask a manufacturer if they had something with bass and they did not, and asked me if I did. And even then, I made sure it was music that had wide appeal. Indeed, I got a lot of compliments on the CD I used (which was from Philip by the way).
These suites are not science experiments for people who are not interested in buying the equipment.
This is what I do to help the small companies there. one main reason we go to shows is to be exposed to new music. lots of that is stuff people carry around and share. and lots of that is new exciting tracks others have not heard. mostly I get asked whether I brought something I want to hear. of course, lots of these rooms are manned by people who I know or know me. so that varies from one room to another.
are there people who are not 'self aware' of whether their music has some appeal to others? of course.
but I would gladly suffer a little than filter the new music.
my perspective is simply to be observant whether the music you carry around gets a positive reaction. if it does not.......then leave it in your pocket or bag. it won't take long to find out.
sure; there are rooms and manufacturers who refuse to play visitors music. and I respect that. but in general keep the 'new' music flowing....and bring something new to share. we all benefit then.
so many times the rooms that play the coolest music get the most attention. that can be the room person or a visitor.