Al, once again I'll say that disagreement is ok and we all have differences of opinion and taste. It's how this is stated and brought to the table that matters. My only point here has been that it's not fair to the manufacturer to make judgements based on a quick, casual listen. And obviously I'm not alone because that's what caused Peter B's blowup, and Steve seems to get it too.
Peter provides an ideal forum for only positive praise of manufacturers. Is WBF adopting their charter now?
I don't know or understand how this seems to be missed again, and again, and again. I'm really tired of repeating this, it should be obvious but I guess it's not... IMO, Amir made some judgements that simply weren't fair. I don't understand how he can form such a strong opinion on something with so little actual experience. That in and of it's self isn't a problem, people can believe whatever they want. The problem is when he comes on a thread like this and makes his opinion public WITHOUT stating his lack of experience. I had to go to his own forum and pull that info out, which is what started this whole mess.
This is my first post in your thread in entirety:
I had high expectation when I walked in and saw that tableful of beautiful electronics. Alas,
my impression was the opposite of yours. I just don't see how anyone would think blanketing all the walls and the floor creates good sound.
Then again, it could all be my deaf ears and lousy perception of what is a good system.
I have bolded the key part that I hoped would keep at bay the kind of emotional blow up you have displayed. I know people go to shows and come back with different impressions. That is the nature of it. Demanding unanimous consensus from show attendees on what was "best" is something I thought everyone knew was impossible let alone expected.
And no, I did not hide anything. There is a link to my impressions of this suite in the above post. It showed that I sat through two full length CD tracks of a customer's and then the one track that I knew. That is a long time for anyone to spend at a suite. This was not, "stick your neck in the room and walk out" kind of thing.
Is it a comprehensive view of what went on there? Of course not. It is all my personal impressions, not set up as yours, as definite statement of nirvana. In that sense, you have the obligation to prove your point. I don't. This is all I said so that you don't keep saying you had to go and find it:
What Did You Think by Kelly Willis.
Customer CD. Average recording and music that did nothing for me. Had to endure two tracks of this

Rescued by this classic: Just A Little Lovin' by Shelby Lynne.
Nicer than the customer demo tracks but still tiny and pointed soundstage.
And earlier I said this about the soundstage:
Part of the problem was super dead room. As you see they went to town on even the floor reflection on top of carpet that was already there. As a result, everything was pushed into the speakers or between them. In a small room, that was not a good recipe.
I passed no specific judgement other than the over treatment of the room which I backed with sonic effect in my ears, and what I thought of the music played.
For your part, you are saying you are motivated to defend small audio companies, wanting to put me in my place, etc. None of this has anything to do with how a system sounds. I want people to know that my impression of the show are NOT motivated by such things. I am not an advocate of manufacturers and if I am, I am very quick to point out personal bias in favor of company.
So there is nothing righteous about what you are doing. My request of you is to be more professional from here on as nothing destroys the cause you are after, more than an unreasonable advocate.