The best sound/room I have ever heard was using the Quad-Z's
Can you give us a few details about such system?
The best sound/room I have ever heard was using the Quad-Z's
I don't see what people see in the Atma-Sphere amps. To me they sound lean, lean, and lean. They are not my cup of tea.
Yes, the MV-60 was a sweetheart. I too had a long run - over twenty years - with their preamps. PV-5 to PV-8 to Premier 16LS to the ACT2. My favorite was the Premier 16 - the baby ART. Premier 12 monoblocks and Premier 140 amps. Still have the PV-8 and it still sounds great though I don't use it regularly.
Sadly, I haven't heard CJ's most recent gear. It wouldn't surprise me if their newer amps are greatly improved from what I knew though their basic architecture seems not that different, with gains coming from different tubes and better parts. In general the hallmark of an OTL amp (I'm more familiar with Atma-Sphere than Berning) is transparency, clarity and speed. I found OTL tonality rich with harmonics, more toward neutral, which in my lexicon means less obviously colored but by no means lean or analytic. FWIW, years back I reviewed the little Atma-Sphere amps with the CJ Premier 140 in brief comparison. You have a very nice system!
Same here: my premier11a is unforgettable.
Can you give us a few details about such system?
I have had the Quadrature's for 3 1/2 years i really like them. The only think i don't like it take about 3 hours for them to sound there best.
I still have the Quadratures, sorry for my english lol.
I am a long term user of David Berning amplification.
Having owned the ZH270 since the late nineties, I added the ZH230 and Zotl Pre into my system, using the venerable Micro Zotl with my Jecklin Float E'static Headphones.
Not trying to boast, but giving background, also explaining that I might be biased in favour of David Berning products or their sound aesthetics.
I am a violinist by profession, and a recording producer since a few years ago, so listening both for fun as for profession as well.
I have recently stumbled upon the Quadrature Z's, bought them (thank you Wilfred!) and have now used them the last two days extensively: They are really all their fame is about. Considering that I usually get along fine with 30Watts - or, rather my speakers do - I was amazed at the finesse the Q'z added to the sound. Especially the end of sounds were so clarifying, I did not know that about recorded sounds before.
Obviously two days is nothing, so I will pipe up in about a month again, but for now: Hats off to David Berning !!
My question: Who has heard these monoblocs? What's your experience with them?