I understand. I am a music lover, go to classical concerts in ‘het Concertgebouw’ in Amsterdam on a regular basis and - as a consumer - I am only in this hobby to enjoy the music I love at home at the highest sonic level I can possibly achieve.
Although we all hear differently and have different sonic preferences I do not understand the ‘Wadax haters’ on WBF and their (sometimes) ultra negative comments, mostly only based on listening experiences under show conditions (and just to be sure: I am not suggesting that you are a ‘Wadax hater’, Lee). Even if one ultimately prefers another digital device, be it a tube dac or another solid state dac, in my view it cannot be denied that Wadax has achieved something very special with their reference gear (I have not yet heard the Wadax Studio). But if WBF members disagree with me on the latter, well that is fine as well, as long as such a view is not (solely) based on prejudice but on actual listening experiences under ‘controlled circumstances’.
I agree that Wadax has achieved something special. I am just curious what the comparison would yield.
How fortunate you are to be able to hear music at the Concertgebouw!