0. Always assume if there's a proper or superior method, you can bet dollars-to-donuts there are plenty of improper / inferior methods.
1. AC coming in from the street (in the U.S.) is by its very nature noisy. It's universal regardless of how near or far you live from a power sub-station.
2. Since AC coming in from the street is noisy, unless filtered, conditioned, cleansed, etc. it will significantly compromise your system's level of musicality.
3. Common ground in some-to-many homes induce noise into the AC and hence into your components.
4. Components usually will sound noticably more musical if the grounds have been lifted / floated or perhaps share an isolated ground.
5. Components can sometimes sound even a tad more pristine if all but one of the component's grounds have been lifted.
6. Dedicated lines have nothing to do with eliminating any of this universal AC noise coming in from the street.
7. Dedicated lines are good for two things:
a) Minimize noise generated elsewhere in the home originating from appliances, dimmers, etc.
b) Ensure high-current drawing amps have enough juice for complex and/or dynamic passages.
8. Superior line conditioners (that actually work) are rare. Some-to-many aren't worth owning as they either do nothing (rare) or induce their own sonic harm (many).
9. Should you own superior line conditioners, unless you have a high-current power amplifier, there should be zero need for dedicated lines.
10. Active line conditioners can rob power from a high-current drawing amplifier and thus render the amp as flat or lifeless whereas passive line conditioners should not.
11. Digital components (or digital anything) supposedly generate a bi-directional digital noise that goes back into the wall and will induce its sonic harm onto other components.
12. Some say (I agree) that bi-directional digital noise will go all the way back to the service panel and even induce harm onto other dedicated circuits/lines.
13. Passive, dedicated, and bi-directional filtering line conditioners (that actually benefit) are the best way to go.
14. The more popular the manufacturer's name, the more I'm apt to stay away from their line conditioning products as they usually are inferior.
15. Wire / electrical parts will vibrate when current is passing thru them and that induces distortions.
16. Like components, wire / electrical parts performance' can be much improved when their vibrations are properly controlled.
17. Like components, superior line conditioners' performance can be significantly improved when proper vibration controlling methods are applied to the line conditioners.
18. Slightly off topic, but since we are talking superior / inferior AC mgmt, properly (yes, there's improper here too) cryogenically treating every wire (including Romex), cable, or electrical part possible can provide much sonic benefit.