* Did you watch a film last night (on Blu or DVD), and what was it? *

Fist full of Dollars
Few Dollars More
Good the Bad the Ugly
La Cité des Enfants Perdus (1995)


Pure delightful fantasy. Too bad the Blu-ray is not up to it. This film is in need of restoration, like from the hands of Criterion.

"Jean Pierre Jeunet (director of Amelie ) and Marc Caro's first outing after Delicatessen is an astonishing fantasy, with Ron Perlman as a circus strongman whose young brother has been abducted by Krank (Daniel Emilfork), a man who can't dream and thus steals children for theirs. Fantastic sets, including Krank's oil-rig base, bizarre characters and a Byzantine plot just add to the mystery, mayhem and madness of an extraordinary film."

I listened to it in its original language, French (it has English too).

Music by: Angelo Badalamenti
Awards: César Award for Best Production Design

I'm a fan of Jean-Pierre Jeunet; all his films. Eventually they'll invest some money to give us the best presentation...UHD/4K perhaps?

- Film: 84
- Blu's technical aspects (visuals and audio): 67
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The 3D Blu-ray version...The Jungle Book.
The 3D effects are cool. Disney is a master @ special effects (CGI) in both 2D and 3D.
The film itself; I was falling asleep, it didn't fantasize my rockin' world.

The scoop:
"In this reimagining of the classic collection of stories by Rudyard Kipling, director Jon Favreau uses visually stunning CGI to create the community of animals surrounding Mowgli (Neel Sethi), a human boy adopted by a pack of wolves. The appearance of a villainous tiger named Shere Khan (voiced byIdris Elba) forces Mowgli's guardian, the panther Bagheera (Ben Kingsley), to shepherd the child to safety in the "man village." Along the way, the boy meets an affable, lazy bear named Baloo (Bill Murray), as well as a snake with hypnotic powers (Scarlett Johansson) and an orangutan (Christopher Walken) who wants to harness the power of fire. Lupita Nyong'o, Giancarlo Esposito, and Garry Shandling also lend their voices to this adventure tale."

Just no way I would have known ? all these character voices (actor's names).

Technically (sound and 3D visuals) it's top-notch.

Overall (CGI "robotic" film): 68


Last word: Go in the real jungle...Amazon rainforest. Short of that get the book and read it to your grand-kids, or wait till it gets on Netflix or youtube.
Last few days
First some quilty pleasure fun stuff
The Shadow
The Phantom
The Punisher - Jane
Then Lawrence of Arabia
More fun stuff
Buckaroo Banzai
^^ Bob, I lean towards Melvin Taylors take on "Assembly Line" much better.

Kill Bill vol 1 then 2
Bob, I lean towards Melvin Taylors take on "Assembly Line" much better.

Very very nice ? Ron; right in my alley. :cool:

Kill Bill vol 1 then 2

Luv this Tarantino's 2-part bloody masterpiece. That's a good inspiration to revisit eventually, thank you. ...On Blu, 2D. :b


Extra (additional): Star Wars: The Force Awakens (((3D))) on Blu-ray:

Just some stuff to talk about ...

There are 51 chapters on this 3D Blu-ray disc. ...Many chapters, shorter time for each...2-3 minutes average.
This flick is better in (((3D))) than in 2D...IMO. And UHD should be top class, with Atmos (or DTS:X)...whenever it comes.
But 4K won't be in 3D. And immersive 3D visuals won't come with 3D immersive sounds...this is just so contradictory...what were Fox and Disney studio executives thinking!!! It beats the hell out of the living dead!

- In chapter 15, from 00:24:25 to 00:24:30 I see those ? four white dots in the top left corner of my screen display (3D version):


I believe that it was a transfer flaw...some sort of anti-copy protection code. No biggie.

- In chapter 20, from 00:36:40 to 00:36:45 most likely the best 3D effect from this flick; the Star Destroyer spaceship.
TIP: Press the Pause button on your remote control @ 00:36:42 - then press the bottom arrow of your main key pad - the small chapter/time menu rectangle will disappear and the 3D picture will be restored to its full glory. Observe the 'Star Destroyer' in 3D and move slightly from left to right and forth, and stop moving.


* Bonus: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2016/11/how-3d-is-star-wars-the-force-awakens/

I have a fair 3D Blu-ray movie/documentary collection, and this flick is a very nice addition to it; it goes near the very top for pure visual enjoyment, among the very best.
The next Star Wars flick to be released on Blu; I won't be double dipping this time around...I will exercise patience and wait for the 3D BR release...2D just won't cut it.
Disney knows very well what they're doing; no way that they'll release the 3D version @ the same time as the 2D version, and same for the UHD/4K version.
Doing that would cut some financial profits from the double and triple dippers/suckers out there who have no patience, people like I for example...@ times.

How can we, us small people, accommodate everyone equally financially without disruptive equilibrium of life? No way, we live in this system like it or not; it's up to each individual to adjust to his own rhythm and beat his own drums. There's a bunch of us voting with our money, our future investment...we have to accept our own choice and the collective choice as the rules of the land were written on the bedrocks of our solidest foundation by the fathers and ancestors and directors of our land discoverers, conquerors, collectors and Hollywood movie establishment. You remember Laser Discs? Star Wars is back. ...Think high, think big, think spatial, think multiple dipping. No wonder they called it 'The Force Awakens' ... three separate times ... 1) 2D, 2) 3D, 3) 4K/Atmos (in a near future) ... do the math and we're in Laser Disc Sp. Ed. financial district. ...Then, 4) Ultimate Edition with extra footage (eventually; perhaps when the trilogy VII-VIII-IX comes up on Blu...few years from now).

This is a good 3D Blu-ray flick, technically; don't believe anything else that few others haven't the eyes to see it clearly. ...For whatever reason: hatred for 3D, bad 3D display, mental blockade, ...anything @ all.

Brief, if 3D is a part of your cinema enjoyment, get this 3D Blu. Forget the money, go for the cinema immersive artistic visual creation.
I do realize that WBF is not a strong clientele on (((3D))) Blu-ray flicks and documentaries, but don't matter; if only one member or reading guest can benefit from what I'm sharing, it's good enough for him/her, and it makes me happy.

* Bonus #2:

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I watched this last night, with some anticipation:


It's a fine film from a familiar storyline. It's the actors who run the show, along with the vast emptiness of the landscape (Eastern New Mexico).
There is a surreal feel to it, a tangible atmosphere. We just have to go for the ride; there are no two ways about it.

The scoop: "Two desperate brothers -- one a divorced father (Chris Pine), the other a hard-living ex-con (Ben Foster) -- commit a string of bank robberies in order to raise the money needed to protect their family farm from foreclosure. Meanwhile, an aging sheriff (Jeff Bridges) tracks the heists in an attempt to hunt down those responsible. This crime drama was written by Taylor Sheridan (Sicario) and directed by David Mackenzie (Starred Up)."

Jeff Bridges is a delight to watch; he's a funny guy, I like him, on and off screen.
This is a film that demands to be watched and not talked about...for the art of filmmaking; acting, photography, interacting.

Overall (film itself and technical values): 80

Last word: Did they use filters on their lenses?
"The film was digitally captured with the Arri Alexa XT and finished at a 2K DI, and there's an appealing consistency to detail levels throughout this presentation. A lot of the film is understandably skewed toward dusty yellows, beiges and ochres, giving the film a kind of generally buttery or amber appearance, at least in the many outdoor scenes."

Overall it looks natural enough to me, from the external shots (outside). ...Very similar to the acting; it all depends of your own affinity to discern reality from fiction, true natural colors from processed/colored ones. Film is an art, and it is totally permissible to create a palette, an atmosphere of conveyance. This ain't no sci-fi flick with super comic hero CGI mickey mouse stuff. Think Nebraska (2013), a black and white film.
Predator then
Predator 2
Followed by
'Predator' (1987) then
'Predator 2' (1990)
Followed by
'Witness' (1985), directed by Peter Weir ('Master and Commander')


Yes it's part of my 3D movie library.
I like the flick, it's fun entertainment, and enough to also get the 3D version, just for 3D curiosity fun...it was on sale...inexpensive, but not the best 3D effects.
Last word: Did they use filters on their lenses?
"The film was digitally captured with the Arri Alexa XT and finished at a 2K DI, and there's an appealing consistency to detail levels throughout this presentation. A lot of the film is understandably skewed toward dusty yellows, beiges and ochres, giving the film a kind of generally buttery or amber appearance, at least in the many outdoor scenes."


Yash, not only it's a great flick (I know you're going to love it), but also the cinematography suits perfectly the film's subject and looks superb on Blu-ray.
The music tunes are also great...right down to the very end @ the rolling credits.

I'll make an honest public proposition to you; get the BR disc of Hell or High Water, watch it @ home, and if you don't like it I'll pay for it...twenty bucks (Canadian loonies). And if you like it then all is even better. Just make sure you share some comments about its cinematography's style, camera lenses, light and overall.

Your own eyes are your best judge.
Me I trust my eyes, and I happened to also trust the director's and main cameraman's eyes of this flick. Beats the hell out of many big blockbuster flicks I saw recently and packed with CGI visual effects. ...And sound effects too. I love 3D, but I also love 2D for flicks like this one.

TIP: Don't give too much credit to the number scores I gave/give to films, because the line between 66 and 99 is very subjective, blurred, personal emotional transitional trance.
Yash, not only it's a great flick (I know you're going to love it), but also the cinematography suits perfectly the film's subject and looks superb on Blu-ray.

I'll make an honest public proposition to you; get the BR disc of Hell or High Water, watch it @ home, and if you don't like it I'll pay for it

Maybe it has a great story, but I hate too much digital filtering - not what I upgraded to 4K for, and total waste of our colour-reproduction abilities nowadays even on gear below 4K. So no I'm not going to finance that kind of movie, and I wish others would stop doing that as well so that we get out of this cinematic Dark Age A.S.A.P.
On seeing Witness again I noticed a trivial FYI. I confirmed it in the credits and featurette. Weir used a # of novices in the film. We know of Godunov, Rubes you may call Kelly too. In the some group Amish shots there was a young face that looked familiar. It was Viggo M. Aragon himself. Didn't notice it or knew it before. He played a member of a neighboring family.
'Hell or High Water'

Maybe it has a great story, but I hate too much digital filtering - not what I upgraded to 4K for, and total waste of our colour-reproduction abilities nowadays even on gear below 4K. So no I'm not going to finance that kind of movie, and I wish others would stop doing that as well so that we get out of this cinematic Dark Age A.S.A.P.

One, the Blu-ray is in 2K (1080p), two, like I said the picture (colors, natural light, choices of lenses, cameras, etc.) is superb.
And last, the film is highly worth your time.

Sure, don't take my words for it but do. :b
On seeing Witness again I noticed a trivial FYI. I confirmed it in the credits and featurette. Weir used a # of novices in the film. We know of Godunov, Rubes you may call Kelly too. In the some group Amish shots there was a young face that looked familiar. It was Viggo M. Aragon himself. Didn't notice it or knew it before. He played a member of a neighboring family.

Witness (1985) is a great film. Music by: Maurice Jarre

And not only Viggo Mortensen was in it, but also Alexander Godunov ('Die Hard' - 1988)
Kelly McGillis is of course in it but not Tom Cruise ('Top Gun' - 1986 - "Scientology's Messiah").
...And Harrison Ford ('Blade Runner', 'Star Wars', 'Apocalypse Now', 'Indiana Jones...').


It's an intense emotional film for adults. The subject is delicate, the love story poignant and the crime unjust.

When I first saw your grouping: 1. 'Predator' 2. 'Predator 2' 3. 'Witness' ... I found it..."diversified".
I only commented on the first one, 'Predator', because it was re-released a bunch of times on VHS and Laser Disc and DVD and Blu-ray, and the last one I got was the BR 3D version. But no doubt, 'Witness', is the better (more intelligent, adult) film, overall.

Off topic fresh today's news: http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/01/health/magic-mushrooms-cancer-patients/index.html
I used to pick them, dry them, eat them. That was many many moons ago, on the Canadian West coast, near Vancouver.

? It's been a while since I last saw 'Witness' - I have the DVD somewhere in the basement.
Witness (1985) is a great film. Music by: Maurice Jarre[/I

Love the score too!
If I remember correctly it was critized for the use of the synthesizer on release.

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