Do you use cables to 'tune' the sonics of your system?

Do you use cables to 'tune' the sonics of your system?

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I cant see a dealer / magazine make a living(margin) on stock $ 1,45 powercords .
To keep the " high end industry " alive and running these horrible cheap products should be banned altogether off course :p

DDK does ok with them. For every 250k turntable or Lamm amps he sells, he throws in a half dozen of his secret stash CC cables .
Works a treat ;)
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Again your personal opinion that I respect, although I would say that according to your numbers either Lamm users are a very small number or you changed an average of 50 power cords per day during the last 20 years! :)
Yes Lamm was always a niche low volume company.
We stopped CC sales around 2005 but literally thousands were sold during those 4 years.
BTW, David, if going the DIY speaker what would be your advice for the ML3 in a large space (6mx9m) ?
I'm not in the DIY world and most of what I heard were Hiraga style 4-5 way Gotto or other Japanese sourced speakers and they all had major issues. The Accuphase crossovers they all used were inadequate and veiled, none had a bass bin that matched the speakers or went low enough, just a mess like most of Hiraga's stuff. The Tannoy/Altec/JBL speakers I heard never appealed either, I mentioned it many times here that half the magic of some of the vintage speakers is in their cabinets, something that everyone I know struggles with. My suggestion is buy vintage specially with ML3 it's definitely the way to go.

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I agree that Hiraga style are crap, accuphase crossovers are crap, the Goto I heard with accuphase and on videos are crap except for Murat's videos which are other worldly. All Altec I heard were crap when Hiraga style, only Misho's was excellent, the stock Altec N500 crossover is known to be crap too. Some videos of others have been very good
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Those have a different plug on them than David's. Why doesn't anyone who wants them just buy them from David?
I don’t have many more left Brian I refer people to CC site and unlike the old days they now sell small quantities. This item isn’t stock so people need to order them from their parts bin.

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Sono d'accordo sul fatto che lo stile Hiraga è una schifezza, i crossover accuphase sono una schifezza, i Goto che ho sentito con accuphase e nei video sono schifezze tranne che per i video di Murat che sono altri mondi. Tutti gli Altec che ho sentito erano schifo quando lo stile Hiraga, solo quello di Misho era eccellente, anche il crossover Altec N500 di serie è noto per essere una schifezza. Alcuni video di altri sono stati molto buoni
diciamo che Hiraga ha avuto il grande merito di portare all'attenzione di un determinato mondo un hi-fi assai diverso da quello che era presente in quegli anni.
Ritengo di conoscere ed avere qualcosa che lo rappresenta e non fa schifo di certo.
ti auguro una buona giornata.


  • Lectron jh30 1.jpg
    Lectron jh30 1.jpg
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That’s pretty funny. Of course Anyone can respond to any post, but Brian freaked yesterday when I responded to a question that Fransisco asked Tim. Now Brian broke his own rules and answered a question that Micro asked me and not him. Rules for thee but not me is spreading even here to the audio forums.

Now we will all be waiting to see what Francisco will actually do, if anything, with the model number Bazelio posted. Or was he just yanking my cord?

Not at all. It's your signal-to-noise ratio that has become exceedingly low. I could care less to whom, or where and when people respond.
I'm sure there's an emoji or meme for this.
Im gonna do a powercord shoot out next weekend
It ll cost me around 4 euros in total , im just gonna take the gamble

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I think you should wrap them up in a big garden hose jacket and cover them a fancy skin so none of the electrons escape. While you're at it be sure to use one of those $100 carbon fibre face plates on your outlet !! ;)
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to start .........

So, my subjective opinion is first and foremost rooted in objective facts to which I believe in. As for trying other cabling, yes, years back I experimented with the likes of MIT, Shunyata to name a few and while they performed admirably they did so no better than what I have now. To that I realized that real benefits are best found with maximizing ones speakers and room interactions for optimal sound.

I fully understand that in the end this is a hobby. One in which you're free to do what you like, so for me I'd rather listen to music than cables !
As I suspected.
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The answer to my post definitely killed any desire of my part to follow this line. The ML3's will go in the adverts again ...
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