I had the privilege last night to host Philip O'Hanlon at my house for several hours. Most of you know Philip from his company "on a Higher note"
I am sure that if any of you have attended any trade shows you will know Philip. IMO he consistently has one of the best rooms at any show and his choice of music is so eclectic that he had me hooked for hours last night
Philip however got me going on a lengthy session of computer audio
Philip brought with a Luxman DSD DAC along with one of hie Hard Drives with over 4 TB stored. This apparently was but a small portion of Philip's library as he told me he has over 12 TB of music on his portable hard drives
Last night we listened mostly to DSD as well as some PCM Hi Rez files
I must admit, I was smitten
This will become my next project after I order the USB-X for my Playback Designs and after that it will be easy and I am looking forward to it
I also had opportunity to hear Shunyata's new USB cable which was inserted from the hard drive to the computer. I truly enjoyed my evening last night with Philip and the music to which we listened was breath taking