Mola Mola
Well here's the bad news Lloyd. My right channel amp and/or power supply went down and I thought it was either a tube or a fuse but such is not the case. Sad to report that my right channel amp and power supply were both crated up and shipped back to Brooklyn for full evaluation by Vladimir. I'm hoping he will get it and start work this Monday with the hope that he will resolve the problem and have it shipped out for me to get next Friday. (wishful thinking, right

However, every little cloud has a silver lining. In another thread here at WBF...!&p=301652&viewfull=1#post301652
I had indicated that my good friend Philip O'Hanlon is the USA distributor of
Mola Mola and he lives less than 5 miles from me. I spoke to Philip this afternoon and he is coming over this evening to drop a pair into my system on loan until my amp is back and operational. So I know these will get a good work out and evaluation in my system.
More to follow with pictures tonight of the set up.......