I can only say: Wow. You are on point. that's how i feel with my A5's. nothing more nothing less.I’ve owned a pair of Magico S1 MkIIs for roughly 18 months. Whenever you think you’ve pinned down a particular characteristic all it takes is a change of recording to utterly void the observation. In terms of house sound there really is none that I’ve identified and not had immediately contradicted, but there are house characteristics:
When I first bought the Magico i did think they were rather expensive for a 2 way speaker. I now think of them as something of a bargain given theIr abilities.
- Extremely transparent of the recording. Every recoding sounds unique and different
- Able to build a room filling soundstage that is as large or small as the acoustic on the recording
- Able to disappear completely, leaving only musicians playing in a cohesive acoustic space, independent of room size
- Able to produce highly believable instrument timbre including whisper quiet bass notes.
- Able to resolve even the most subtle spacial differences between instruments on a recording.
- Able to reproduce music that sounds like its being ‘made by the instruments’ rather than ‘coming from the instruments’. In other words it doesn’t sound like music made by a trombone....it sounds like a trombone making music.
- Chrystal clear with super extended treble that shimmers and sparkles and provides tremendous reality thanks to its tremendous energy, accurate timbral information and dynamic resolution
- Amazing dynamic speed, which revolves the beautiful shape of notes from the initial pinpoint percussive source, the bloom and expansion and the often directional decay.
- Amazing speed and rhythmic drive
- A warmth or dryness that reflects exactly what’s on the recording
- SoTA listener involvement and ability to engage and stimulate emotional response.
For those who may get a demo of Magico speakers I would say this. If you can sit and listen comfortably with the lights on and your eyes open, they are not producing anything like they are capable of because if they are, at least with appropriate recordings the contradiction between ears and eyes is so extreme its quite disorientating.
Look forward to reading your listening notes on that one! I notice that your signature has Pilium plus 3 speakers...are you still trialing speakers? What else are you considering or are these three the triumverate?I hope to be able to contribute something meaningful to this thread in the next couple weeks as I am arranging a visit to meet with Alon and get a taste of the new M9 driven by Pilium electronics. From what I’ve been told Alon is absolutely gobsmacked with the sound he‘s getting.
Consider my last time really hearing Magico was, I believe S5 mk II at Miles Astor’s place several years back. And I’ve been a Wilson guy (Sasha, Alexia) since I sold my Avalon’s ten years ago. I have felt the biggest difference between the better Wilson and Magico is bass impact (imho) and i am one who likes a visceral experience of bass — you should feel it! Of course it should also be clean, clear, and tone-full.
I have heard WAMM, and XVX, driven always by Dagostino. As great as the Dag electronics are I have to admit I have never been drawn into the music the way my ARC Reference stack has done lately, particularly with the Etsuro Gold(mg) and CS Port phono stage. The M9 will have MSB source and Taiko Extreme along with the Pilium.
The question ultimately will be—am I drawn into the music? Or will I just hear another collection of uber-expensive toys making sound? (And a nod to Mike Lavigne whose system portrayed SRV‘s version of “Tin Pan Alley” in a way that not only drew me in but left me not wanting it to end... if the big Magico / Pilium rig does that then a new fanboy might emerge from my trip to Hayward.)
I will have the good fortune to keep these speakers in-house and available to host private auditions as the Portland-RLR, or “Rhapsody Listening Room,” essentially acting as a remote showroom (listening room is better description in our hobby) for Rhapsody.audio in Manhattan.Look forward to reading your listening notes on that one! I notice that your signature has Pilium plus 3 speakers...are you still trialing speakers? What else are you considering or are these three the triumverate?
These are old models, some are over ten years old. Magico had come a long way since.My take;
Very revealing loudspeaker , but it still has a sound as well , just as any brand .
Lean in the bass in general , S 5 mk 1 and V3 were the best in the bass of all the models i ve heard .
Q 7 lacks integration , a lot of integration differences per model , some succeed very good , some less .
I liked the V3 probably the most , as i like a bit of warmth in the speaker , aluminium is colder sounding .
I have not heard the M series
Very good construction / fit n finish .
Artificial / digital sound immediately comes to my mind if paired with solid stateThese are old models, some are over ten years old. Magico had come a long way since.
My A5 is a true chameleon. If there was a ‘sound,’ I have yet to find it.
Could be , but i doubt itYou should try and hear current models, on SS or Tube, your pick. The only house sound I detect is transparency.,
That is simply not true. You got your physics wrong here. But we get it, you heard some Magico speakers 10 years ago, and they sounded cold and synthetic to you, I think you made your point.Could be , but i doubt it
Phenolic compostie cabinet Intrinsic energy storage is lower , giving it a more dynamic sound.
Please explain further, show me some dataThat is simply not true. You got your physics wrong he
The last time i heard one was last years magico Q 5 and a couple years before that S5 mk1 , Q7 , Q3
re. But we get it, you heard some Magico speakers 10 years ago, and they sounded cold and synthetic to you, I think you made your point.
What is on your radar now Ian ?I have to say I agree with andromedaaudio observations. I've owned Magico V2, S5mk1, MPro and A5.
I sold my A5s last week. I couldn't get past what I perceived as a metallic coloration - at least with the electronics I was using. I really liked the bass in the S5Mk1s the best of any speaker I've ever owned.
I'm not pursuing speakers at the moment. The MPros are still in my main system and the A5s were for a second system which I put together... and have now abandoned.What is on your radar now Ian ?![]()
Yes that model had good bass definition , i heard it at a dealer on top LP analogue and Octave tube ampsI really liked the bass in the S5Mk1s the best of any speaker I've ever owned.
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