Dual Arm AMG Viella

Mark Jones

[Industry Expert]/Member Sponsor
Jul 9, 2014
I really did not want to do the second arm option as I thought it would ruin the tables beautiful looks. I decided to go for it and now that I have seen it in the flesh it actually looks kinda cool.

I currently have the AMG Teatro in the 12" and the Benz LPS Mono in the 9.5".

Here are a few photos...





Hi Mark, this tt (single arm V12 version) has come across my radar
How do you rate it as it stands itself, and against alternatives like the Kronos?
I am totally sold on the German engineering, excellent tech and use of materials, and understated aesthetics
Has anyone tried different tonearms on the AMG v12? I am considering getting the upgrade “AMG Turbo” arm, but curious if anyone has mounted a Kuzma 4point or other highly respected arm? (Is possible?)

If so, what were your impressions? Did you compare to the Turbo arm?
Hi, I have the dual arm board with the AMG 12 inch on one and the Kuzma 4 point 9 inch on the other. I actually love both arms. The Kuzma is easier to set up imo. It’s been a while since I listened and compared the same cart on both arms. But from as far as I can remember the Benz LPS ( modded by Stein) sounds better on the Kuzma and the Colibri the other way around.
Not much help but all I can say is that the Kuzma 4 point is excellent.
That is a great way to go... is your AMG arm the Turbo?

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