The original was suppose to be 20 some hours long but Jodorowsky got turned down for countless desires for it. There’s even a documentary about it.
I missed out on the book earlier. I am going to read the book so I can hopefully enjoy the movie a bit more.
Interesting question. For me, there is a golden trio in the contemporary film music domain: Zimmer, Morricone and Williams. Zimmer's integration of the electronic music sounds with traditional orchestral arrangements will adequately represent Dune's climate.
Brad, nothing can beat the look and feel of Lynch's film. I am 200% a fan. The trailer is leaving me a bit underwhelmed.i am rereading it for like the 4th or 5th time in the lead up to this movie...although I grew up with the 1984 visuals so I am mildly disappointed with how it looks in the trailers...
Just a duo now. Sob. RIP Ennio
Btw, for all those dissers of Dune 1984, its combination of absolute straight as a die acting, overblown/camp balance, pre digital special effects, and strong hints that it could run off the rails at anytime, make it the joy that it is from start to finish.
Like Coppola's Dracula, another film that somehow succeeded despite the director not really being in directorial control, Dune 1984 succeeds despite all the things that should make it fail.
I'm suspecting Dune 2020 will not feel camp at all. The test may come on how they recast Sting...WHAT an extended cameo THAT was 36 years ago.
Have you read the books?I saw it on the big screen last weekend. I loved the first part, but then it slowed down a lot. I feel like you could squeeze the second half in 20 mins. However, when it comes to the cinematography, it was a masterpiece.