I have a box set (3 vinyls) of Audio Technical Records by DENON, this testing vinyl produced by professor Takeshi Itow doctor of engineering Waseda University, Tokyo Japan. the recording is for people to check their play back system, it contain sweep frequency, band noise, phasing, musical instruments, hall recording etc. and also put the mic around the source and over up right to let people check the stage effect. unfortunately my system can't answer what they gave , I can't hear the mic's position of where they put and I though my system was not good enough , after I check the detail of how they make the recording and found that was not pure analogue , they use PCM recorder for recording and same PCM recorder to play back to cutting, maybe that is the reason why I can't feel I am there, but my tape play back system can let me feel just like Steve's feeling that we are there, I am not sure if we make vinyl from our master will still has the same effect like tape or not ?
tony ma