As stated in a previous post, I have the Centaur amplifier with two Silver Minimus' hooked to Neg. L&R channel. NO ISSUE. I am listening as I write this.
As stated in a previous post, I have the Centaur amplifier with two Silver Minimus' hooked to Neg. L&R channel. NO ISSUE. I am listening as I write this.
Wow!! Elescher, this is the ultimate test.
By the way, was there a good improvement when connecting negative terminals to Silver Minimus?
That's wonderful news and I am so pleased for you.
What would we do without WBF and it's marvellously helpful and supportive members?
In relation to your experience dies connection via input rca beat output rca?
If you take a multimeter and run a continuity test on the rca jacks, you will likely find they share the same ground. There's a fair chance they may also be tied to the iec mains ground.
It would be easier to build a John Windt "Hummer Tester"Although a multimeter will tell you about continuity and sharing, it will not tell you about the internal ground paths. The more effective way of determining them is injecting a fixed current - something between 0.5 and 0.1 DC amps between ground and RCA and RCA/RCA ground and measuring voltage drops (including signal) between all the points of interest in the 2mV scale. If we do not have a current source we can use a 6V battery in series with a 10 - 50 ohm resistor in series to inject the current.
Interesting and thank you for sharing. I did not discern much of a difference between grounding input rca vs output rca. I think they are quite close but as with entreq grounding it takes about 2 days after connection to hear it's full impact and maybe that's why it's difficult to do a AB comparison.