That's great news Tom and it confirms the experiences of other users.
I put my Olympus on Shun Mook UDR with great success. It was a surprise for me as I didn’t expected such a change.
That's great news Tom and it confirms the experiences of other users.
I put my Olympus on Shun Mook UDR with great success. It was a surprise for me as I didn’t expected such a change.
Has anybody experiences with "shaking grounding boxes" as recommended from Gutwire ?
I read this interesting point in a review of their grounding cables on Audio Bacon (Gutwire claims that most box solutions will be saturated and will need to be “shaken up” every half year to maintain performance.)
How can you tell if it's become 'saturated'?
Has anybody experiences with "shaking grounding boxes" as recommended from Gutwire ?
I read this interesting point in a review of their grounding cables on Audio Bacon (Gutwire claims that most box solutions will be saturated and will need to be “shaken up” every half year to maintain performance.)
Yes this is actually true, depending on what’s in the “mix” soaking the mineral contents into water can be another solution. You’d have to open up your box then ofcourse You can also try to “destat” by connecting for example an electrostatic grounding device to your piezoelectric grounding box.
How can you tell if it's become 'saturated'?
Let me start by just saying that I use some of the Entreq grounding products. That being said, I just cannot wrap my head around how minimizing vibration to any component that uses loose granules as the ONLY means to it's effect can have any impact on it's performance. Now to even more complicate things, some are even suggesting that shaking the minerals might be advantageous, which would imply that vibration may actually be beneficial. I have gone to great lengths in both expense and time trying to provide a clean, quick path for vibrations to be transferred away from my gear, or in other cases transformed into heat, but I just don't understand. Does this possibly just fall into the category of one of those things we just don't understand yet?
Anyone have any thoughts on this, or am I just simply overlooking the obvious?